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My hope is that I will take the good from my experiences and extrapolate them further into areas with which I am unfamiliar. I simply do not know exactly what that difference will be in my judging. But I accept there will be some based on my gender and my Latina heritage.

Search For mention In Quotes 44

I can mention many moments that were unforgettable and revelatory. But the most single revelatory three minutes was the first time I put on scuba gear and dived on a coral reef. It's just the unbelievable fact that you can move in three dimensions.

And the buying of new machinery meant not only the possibility of production but even the new technology 'cos as I mentioned before we were back of seven eight years.

With success came an ever-growing burden of responsibility. I lived with a near-constant low-level anxiety that I would make a mistake that would not only threaten my career but also my brothers' - not to mention the livelihoods of many people who work with us or for us.

Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves.

Enough people have now mentioned Bill Nye the Science Guy to me that I now desperately avoid it all costs.

All respect for the office of the presidency aside I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review spoke for itself.

Ray had so much love of life and the music. He had so much integrity. He treated the music with so much dignity and respect. I spent four and a half years as a sideman with Ray Brown's trio. Music was his life more so than anyone I could mention.

Compassion is not a popular virtue. Very often when I talk to religious people and mention how important it is that compassion is the key that it's the sine-qua-non of religion people look kind of balked and stubborn sometimes as much to say what's the point of having religion if you can't disapprove of other people?

It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic which is religion.

Putin has a lot at stake here and restoring the relationship with the United States and there are already signs as Sandy mentioned that he's moving in the right direction to begin to ascertain that their trade with Iran is not used for the production of nuclear weapons.

Therefore I feel that the aforementioned guiding principle must be modified to read: If you desire peace cultivate justice but at the same time cultivate the fields to produce more bread otherwise there will be no peace.

It's rather splendid to think of all those great men and women who appear to have presented symptoms that allow us to describe them as bipolar. Whether it's Hemingway Van Gogh... Robert Schumann has been mentioned... Virginia Woolf Sylvia Plath... some of them with rather grim ends.

Luck is not something you can mention in the presence of self-made men.

Over the years the political establishment has frowned if a mainstream politician mentions marriage.

Everyone got kind of crazy with me mentioning I was in love with a woman.

In a typical history book black Americans are mentioned in the context of slavery or civil rights. There's so much more to the story.

Great is truth but still greater from a practical point of view is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects... totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.

There is a Western world. There is America. There is Great Britain and Germany and France and Russia and China and other nations. I doubt that there is one country amongst those I mentioned which has a desire to see Iran with its fundamentalist Islamic extremist government possessing nuclear weapons.

I think its rather peculiar. It's not in keeping with our founding documents our founding vision. But I'd guess you'd have to ask the Obama administration why they purged all this language from their platform. There sure is a lot of mention of government so I guess I would put the onus on them to answer why they did all these purges of God.

They did that little thing on South Park and they mentioned my name and had a character of me judging a Halloween contest. It was really funny.That made me the coolest aunt on earth.

One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss but in the number of things they need no longer mention.

Not to mention the fact that of course terrorists hate freedom. I think they do hate. But believe me I don't think they sit there abstractly hating freedom.

Well if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us do they?

People just want to hear some common sense... and I bring to bear the experience in local government and state government and national government - I was the first woman in history on the Senate Finance Committee - not to mention the diplomatic international experience.