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I believe that the people instead of pretty lies should be told the truth no matter how ugly it may be. What can we do destiny hasn't been kind to us but with the help of God we will prevail.

Search For officer In Quotes 38

Avon is a unique place to work we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company 46 percent of our officers are women.

The plan was criticized by some retired military officers embedded in TV studios. But with every advance by our coalition forces the wisdom of that plan becomes more apparent.

We should invade their countries kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

However I had a chance encounter with an admissions officer of Stevens Institute of Technology who so impressed me by his erudition and enthusiasm for the school that I changed course and entered Stevens Institute.

All images generated by imaging technology are viewed in a walled-off location not visible to the public. The officer assisting the passenger never sees the image and the officer viewing the image never interacts with the passenger. The imaging technology that we use cannot store export print or transmit images.

Jackson went from the professor's chair to the officer's saddle. He carried with him the very elements of character which made him odious as a teacher but I never saw him in an arbitrary mood.

The U.S. military has done a phenomenal job of creating these facilities almost over-night and dealing with these sworn enemies of America with more respect and dignity than they ever would have considered according our officers had they captured any.

You couldn't pay me enough to be a law enforcement officer. Their job is a tough job. You have to solve people's problems you have to baby-sit people you have to always be doing this cat-and-mouse game with the bad guys. My respect for them is immense.

As social media is less about technology and more about relationship building we are starting to see more women have a heavy influence if not dominant role in the social media space. It's no wonder that Facebook is being run in part by chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg.

Law enforcement officers are never 'off duty.' They are dedicated public servants who are sworn to protect public safety at any time and place that the peace is threatened. They need all the help that they can get.

In a few days an officer came to our camp under a flag of truce and informed Hamilton then a captain of artillery but afterwards the aid of General Washington that Captain Hale had been arrested within the British lines condemned as a spy and executed that morning.

My life had become a catastrophe. I had no idea how to turn it around. My band had broken up. I had almost lost my family. My whole life had devolved into a disaster. I believe that the police officer who stopped me at three a.m. that morning saved my life.

In fact my mom always told me because I was the daughter of an Army officer born overseas in Paris France that under the Constitution she believed that I could never run for president.

I am a military police officer and I have served on two deployments my first was to Iraq in a medical unit and my second deployment was to Kuwait as a military police platoon leader.

The Navy's paid for you to go through school and then they need doctors to go out and take care of people who are in various different parts of the world. I decided to pay back my time first as an undersea medical officer. I was stationed in Scotland.

We knew that if the photos of CIA officers conducting authorized EIT (enhanced interrogation techniques) ever got out the difference between a legal authorized necessary and safe program and the mindless actions of some MPs (military police) would be buried by the impact of the images.

I mean you might say he had a travelling post office but also Barney was very very active. He was a legal officer for the NAACP and they had a lot of problems after Pease.

After the United States entered the war I joined the Naval Reserve and spent ninety days in a Columbia University dormitory learning to be a naval officer.

The Divine Thing that made itself the foundation of the Church does not seem to judge by his comments on the religious leadership of his day to have hoped much from officers of a church.

I never threatened him and no Syrian intelligence officer has ever pointed a gun to his head.

When I came to the CIA in the mid-'90s our graduating class of case officers was unbelievably low. Now after years of rebuilding our training programs and putting our best efforts to recruit the most talented men and women we are graduating more clandestine officers than at any time in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The only people that ever stand up and tell the truth are who? Intelligence officers. Because our culture is never break faith with the truth. We'll tell you you don't have to drag it out of us.

I was an intelligence officer not a policy-maker.

We will strengthen our security by building missile defense restoring our military might and standing by and strengthening our intelligence officers.