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I see a trend here where the President seems to think his job is to count votes and then try to make a deal That's what we in legislatures do. Mr. Obama's job is to travel the country fight for the values that he cares about.

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I like the idea of accessibility coming from a lower-middle-class background myself I feel like beauty and products should be accessible to all women over the world.

I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale you could not ignore its beauty.

By plucking her petals you do not gather the beauty of the flower.

Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world.

Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.

Becoming emancipated at 14 my life wasn't normal. I didn't have to go to school so I didn't. I was rebellious by nature. I spent my 20s focusing on my company Flower Films and producing movies. Now that I'm almost 30 I would like to try other things in lie. I'm crazy about photography and I want to take an art history class.

Works of art often last forever or nearly so. But exhibitions themselves especially gallery exhibitions are like flowers they bloom and then they die then exist only as memories or pressed in magazines and books.

After its hothouse incubation in the seventies appropriation breathed important new life into art. This life flowered spectacularly over the decades - even if it's now close to aesthetic kudzu.

When I am finishing a picture I hold some God-made object up to it - a rock a flower the branch of a tree or my hand - as a final test. If the painting stands up beside a thing man cannot make the painting is authentic. If there's a clash between the two it's bad art.

Art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers - and never succeeding.

When I judge art I take my painting and put it next to a God made object like a tree or flower. If it clashes it is not art.

Architecture is a slow business and city planning even slower.

The higher the building the lower the morals.

After all these years it's still amazing what Obama is allowed to get away with. He says low gas prices in 2009 were caused by a terrible economy but then claims that the lower number of illegal aliens crossing the border is because of his border policies not the same lousy economy.

Gwen Stefani has amazing style. I used to really love Courtney Love and anything she wore I loved. Or Chloe Sevigny because I really love that sort of classic look and I like being girly and flowery and wearing little D&G dresses. I wear hats a lot too. I think it goes back to when I was a bit grungy and was a skater girl for a bit.

It's a terrible thing to be alone - yes it is - it is - but don't lower your mask until you have another mask prepared beneath - as terrible as you like - but a mask.

God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone but also on trees and in the flowers and clouds and stars.

In my older age I've learned to take things slower because I used to be that total-fall-in-love-after-a-day guy.

I had the good fortune to be able to right an injustice that I thought was being heaped on young people by lowering the voting age where you had young people that were old enough to die in Vietnam but not old enough to vote for their members of Congress that sent them there.

At my age flowers scare me.