Search For things In Quotes 2618

I'm proud of the U.S.A. We've done some amazing things. To wear our flag in the Olympics is an honor.

When you have confidence you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun you can do amazing things.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind amazing things will happen.

It can be kind of gruesome at times making things alone.

Having gone through so many of the personal things I've gone through its about creating an (online) space for girls to be heard. I don't profess to have all the answers. But Ask Elizabeth is a space where girls are not alone.

To really be centered and to really work well and to think about the kinds of things that I need to think about I need to spend large amounts of time alone.

Music is one of those things that make us feel a little less alone in the world.

Despite the demands of this job one of the things my wife and I try to do is to spend time together alone. And one of the things we really enjoy doing together is seeing a good movie.

But there's not enough time in life to go sit at a party have a drink and make idle conversation. There's too many important things to do. Just being together with my husband spending time alone which I have very little of.

I mean one of the things about being alone is that you've no people to define yourself off I mean people are like all-round mirrors because let's face it we don't often see ourselves all round in a mirror anyway do we.

Life is so impermanent that it's not about somebody else or things around me it's about knowing you are completely alone in this world and being content inside.

People love pretty much the same things best. A writer looking for subjects inquires not after what he loves best but after what he alone loves at all.

Making checklists of things you're looking for in a person is the numero uno thing you can do to guarantee you'll be alone forever.

As a child I wanted only two things - to be left alone to read my library books and to get away from my provincial hometown and go to London to be a writer. And I always knew that when I got there I wanted to make loads of money.

I don't think nationalism is alone holding the field it's in contention with a lot of different things.

In Turkey you're not allowed to be left alone in the hospital. The nurse teaches the family how to do things and somebody is always there with the patient.

I love my friends and family but I also love it when they can't find me and I can spend all day reading or walking all alone in silence eight thousand miles away from everyone. All alone and unreachable in a foreign country is one my most favorite possible things to be.

I have an internal protectiveness where it's like if it comes to just me as frightened as I am of losing someone I love or things going sour or simply being alone there is a dark place in my brain where I'm like It could happen and I'm okay I'm prepared.

We all get stuck. We all lose ourselves a little bit in a fantasy or in our jobs and forget how we feel about other things. It's really important to check yourself to spend some time alone.

He who studies books alone will know how things ought to be and he who studies men will know how they are.

Throughout my whole life as a performer I've never played with a band. I've always played alone so I was never required to stay in rhythm or anything. So it was a real different experience for me to start playing with a band. There were so many basic things for me to learn.

I need to do things on my own need to be left alone.

I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone.

All conservatism is based upon the idea that if you leave things alone you leave them as they are. But you do not. If you leave a thing alone you leave it to a torrent of change.