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When Brian told me he grew up in New Mexico I told him I thought it is cool that people from other countries play football. He corrected me on my geography and agreed to sit down with me anyway.

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Music is for people. The word 'pop' is simply short for popular. It means that people like it. I'm just a normal jerk who happens to make music. As long as my brain and fingers work I'm cool.

You don't have any communication between the Israelis and the Iranians. You have all sorts of local triggers for conflict. Having countries act on a hair trigger - where they can't afford to be second to strike - the potential for a miscalculation or a nuclear war through inadvertence is simply too high.

I do a little fact checking now and then. Other than that its impact is simply that email has revolutionized communication for me and my website has built up a community of readers which is a lot of fun.

I try to just communicate what I want done as clearly and simply as possible.

There was a great complexity to my father. He was a devoted family man. But in the same breath he simply was not suited to an anchored life. He should have been somebody who had a backpack an old map a bit of change in his pocket and that was it - roaming the world.

I am a type-2 diabetic and they took me off medication simply because I ate right and exercised. Diabetes is not like a cancer where you go in for chemo and radiation. You can change a lot through a basic changing of habits.

The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty progress change - into crimes.

For me 'revolution' simply means radical change.

Human beings are the only animal that thinks they change who they are simply by moving to a different place. Birds migrate but it's not quite the same thing.

It is quite annoying that we have to change the sound we invented just to avoid sounding like people who simply copy us but... it is flattering and of course challenging.

It's good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse.

The joy of life consists in the exercise of one's energies continual growth constant change the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die. The eternal mistake of mankind is to set up an attainable ideal.

The will is never free - it is always attached to an object a purpose. It is simply the engine in the car - it can't steer.

Simply racing a Formula 1 car is an achievement.

Life... is not simply a series of exciting new ventures. The future is not always a whole new ball game. There tends to be unfinished business. One trails all sorts of things around with one things that simply won't be got rid of.

Anything that isn't opposed by about 40 percent of humanity is either an evil business or so unimportant that it simply doesn't matter.

I'm someone who loves to enjoy life and tries to focus on real things and real friendships. That's why I live very simply. I'm a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. I don't spend much time fixing myself up or trying to look cool. I live like a normal person and even though I'm in a very high-profile business I really don't let it affect the way I live.

What men have called friendship is only a social arrangement a mutual adjustment of interests an interchange of services given and received it is in sum simply a business from which those involved propose to derive a steady profit for their own self-love.

You know out-of-touch liberals like Barack Obama say they want a strong economy but in everything they do they show they don't like business very much. But the economy of course is simply the product of all the businesses of the nation added together. So it's a bit like saying you like an omelet but you don't like eggs.

Don't simply retire from something have something to retire to.

There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down simply by spending his money somewhere else.

Well I started conducting kind of by accident. I wanted to give myself a special birthday present for my fortieth birthday and I was living in San Francisco at the time and I started attending some of the concerts and then simply dropping hints.

I stood up as best I could to their disgusting stupidity and brutality but I did not of course manage to beat them at their own game. It was a fight to the bitter end one in which I was not defending ideals or beliefs but simply my own self.

Under any circumstance simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment self-abuse and regret.