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I have always said there is only one thing that can bring our nation down - our dependence on foreign countries for food and energy. Agriculture is the backbone of our economy.

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Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent.

The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future.

The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.

I just completed a tour in Europe. I played every night. This requires traveling some days for six hours in a van or a train or a car. After six weeks of that I checked into the hotel and just fell apart.

Man coaching is a hard job and it requires a lot of time... I hear stories from coaches who tell me that players call them in the middle of the night not knowing where they parked their car.

Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the wheels are in perfect alignment you perform better when your thoughts feelings emotions goals and values are in balance.

There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you're good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward.

Profits in business always depend on the rate of interest: the higher the interest the higher the rate of profit required.

Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile.

Anybody can have a birthday. It requires nothing. Murderers have birthdays. It's the opposite of anything that I believe in. And I don't like at work where you stop everything to sing 'Happy Birthday' to someone. I feel like that's for children.

Each one of us requires the spur of insecurity to force us to do our best.

Life doesn't require that we be the best only that we try our best.

When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.

Beauty unlike the rest of the gifts handed out at birth does not require dedication patience and hard work to pay off. But it's also the only gift that does not keep on giving.

Beauty of course is the most important requirement and the paramount asset of the applicant.

I know as an actor there is a certain liberation auditioning for a role that has no beauty requirements.

Art requires philosophy just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise what would become of beauty?

In terms of work I've always had a Bad Attitude in that I won't work anywhere which requires me to work strict hours or follow a dress code. I don't know if that's an Asperger's thing or not I think it's just being reasonable.

Life is the only art that we are required to practice without preparation and without being allowed the preliminary trials the failures and botches that are essential for training.

Art requires neither complaisance nor politeness nothing but faith faith and freedom.

Film editing is now something almost everyone can do at a simple level and enjoy it but to take it to a higher level requires the same dedication and persistence that any art form does.

The beginning of a friendship the fact that two people out of the thousands around them can meet and connect and become friends seems like a kind of magic to me. But maintaining a friendship requires work. I don't mean that as a bad thing. Good art requires work as well.

Ethics is in origin the art of recommending to others the sacrifices required for cooperation with oneself.

Each new situation requires a new architecture.