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All that running around in my underwear put money in my pockets. I can focus on working in interesting movies without having to worry about supporting myself.

Everybody gets typecast in movies but you have to make wise choices. I'd say around 90 percent of movie casting is about the way you look so you have to fight that. If producers had their way I'd only be in action films but I'm interested in a more varied career than that.

I was going to make movies. I was the one in the family who was always rolling the video camera making movies of my brothers around town and then screening them for my parents. I still would love to make movies someday... that's something that really means a lot to me and I know I'll have the chance to do it one day.

For a number of years I'd been around the kind of people who financed movies and the kind of people who are there to make the deals for movies. But I'd always had this naive idea that everybody wants to make movies as good as they can be which is stupid.

I want to be around for a long time singing and making albums and movies.

Usually when you see females in movies they feel like they have these metallic structures around them they are caged in by male energy.

Before I'd written movies I never could do big set-piece scenes with a lot of different speakers - when you've got twelve people around a dinner table talking at cross purposes. I had always been impressed by other people's ability to do that.

All my life I have loved and been inspired by French cinema and as a studio head it has been my pride and joy to have the ability to bring movies to audiences around the world.

It's not like I sit around watching my movies again and again but I've never quite believed actors when they say they don't watch themselves.

I like to direct movies but I don't like to goof around for eight years talking about it.

By going to the movies and because of other things too going to college making a wide variety of friends moving around traveling I became a lot more open-minded than the heritage I was born into might have suggested.

I've always been an animal lover. I've grown up with dogs my whole life. I think that is what helped me get the role on 'Lassie' I was comfortable around the dog where many of the kids were afraid or intimidated by Lassie.

I'm a morning person because I learned to write my novels while still practicing law. I would get to the office at 6:30 a.m. and write until other people arrived around 9. Now I still do that. I start at 6:30 or 7 and I'll write until 11 then take an hour off then work until about 2 p.m. By then my brain has had enough.

I had this temp receptionist job in New York and I kind of hated it and in the morning I would come out of the subway and just walk along the New York streets with all these people around me and kind of sing to myself. Like 'She's gonna make it!'

I remember being at school during morning meeting and looking around at everybody 350 kids saying a prayer. We're all very young and no one knows what it means and I remember feeling strange that people were just repeating words that they didn't understand. I refused to participate. For some reason I always rejected it but respectfully.

Marilyn Monroe was no fun to work with. She would report to work around 5:00 in the evening. You've been in make-up since 8:30 in the morning waiting for her.

I certainly don't sit around in the morning making pancakes listening to Whitehouse or anything.

Internet marketing entrepreneurs have truly opened my eyes to just how important a quick turnaround time can be. Often times an interview they conduct with me today is online by the next morning. The interviewee is then able to start making money less than 24 hours after the initial interview.

But of course when people watch morning television Terry it's a very different animal. You know they're running around they're getting their kids ready for school they're probably doing eight million things they're brushing their teeth.

My ideal is to wake up in the morning and run around the meadow naked.

The greatest job I ever had was working on my family farm. Each morning my father would come into my bedroom around 4:30 am and command me to get up and work the fields. I would spend the next two hours before school slopping pigs and cropping tobacco.

My life had become a catastrophe. I had no idea how to turn it around. My band had broken up. I had almost lost my family. My whole life had devolved into a disaster. I believe that the police officer who stopped me at three a.m. that morning saved my life.

I had the perfect job for a gamer. From February to October I'd get up at 7 in the morning with nothing to do but play games until I had to be at the park around 1 or 2 o'clock. When I got back after the game I played until 3 or 4 in the morning.

It's never really that much fun for me to do movies anyway because you - you know you have to get up very early in the morning and you have to go in and you spend a lot of time waiting around.