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I am so fidgety - I swear I have ADD - and I always need to be doing something or being outside just playing sports.

I am a sports fanatic and being able to perform at halftime for the fans of the Steelers and the Jets is such a thrill for me.

I grew up being into sports and I wasn't trained to move my body in the right way for dancing. I'm the last one to get any moves correct. In rehearsals it's always 'OK one more take for Zac.'

Being a celebrity you always get really good seats to sporting events but you never get as good seats as the photographers get. And I really love sports. So one of the scams I have going now is I want to learn sports photography so I can get better seats at a sporting event.

Sports and entertainment are the only places where inner-city kids see themselves being able to succeed. Their intellectual development is something they don't relate to.

But sports carried me away from being in a gang or being associated with drugs. Sports was my way out.

And nothing embittered me which is important because I think ethnic people and women in this society can end up being embittered because of the lack of affirmative action you know.

All you now do is pursue your private objectives within society. Instead of us being a community everybody is asked to seek their own personal ends. It's called competition. And competition is antagonism.

The only yardstick for success our society has is being a champion. No one remembers anything else.

Unless we abandon elements which resemble a police state we can't meet the demands of being a modern society.

I'll never look down on and I love running into actors who say 'Oh yeah I did a soap.' I say 'Tell me which one!' It's like being a member of a secret society.

I meant that the Chinese people are not aware of their own entrapment. They believe they live in a free society but don't realize how much they are being monitored and controlled how much the information they receive is restricted and warped until they step out of line that is and feel the heavy hand of the state fall on them.

I'm very old-fashioned in some ways because of my father who thought that being a public servant was an honor. Everyone must find a capacity in which they can serve because we all benefit from society.

Remember and help America remember that the fellowship of human beings is more important than the fellowship of race and class and gender in a democratic society.

Realizing our society as it is without theology dogmatically telling us how we should react to it and being humane toward that society that is all that we're sure of.

He has the obligation to society that any human being has. I don't think a satirist has any greater obligation to society than a bricklayer or anybody else.

One thing that makes France different from other countries is the tradition of social solidarity. People from all backgrounds and political positions are willing to contribute for services and protection of society as a whole - but on the condition that money is being spent effectively and that everyone is paying their part.

There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals.

Something's happened in our society which I don't think is beneficial and that's that you see the public being fed box-office news. Newscasts now every local station - I've been traveling around the country a lot and you see the local news and they give box-office reports.

I know what it feels like to carry a lot of weight in a society that's very image-conscious. It's a thin person's world and we try to navigate within it without being made fun of.

I think being different going against the grain of society is the greatest thing in the world.

I am willing to compete on my merits and on my character - not with the color of my skin. We talk about being a color-blind society but I don't think the political process could actually handle that.

You've got all these books on self help getting to know yourself doing the right thing eating the so-called right foods even down to what books you have on your shelves. People are encouraged to look to themselves first as opposed to being a part of society.

There is so much potential out there in young people and they aren't getting the right information or being encouraged in the right ways. This is our duty as a society.