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When the United States was founded the very idea of a nation premised on democratic principles of freedom and tolerance was viewed by the vast majority of the world as an experiment doomed to fail. Dictatorships monarchies and theocracies had for many centuries ruled the world.

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I used to be a discipline problem which caused me embarrassment until I realized that being a discipline problem in a racist society is sometimes an honor.

No one has done a study on this as far as I can tell but I think Facebook might be the first place where a large number of people have come out. We didn't create that - society was generally ready for that. I think this is just part of the general trend that we talked about about society being more open and I think that's good.

I did it to myself. It wasn't society... it wasn't a pusher it wasn't being blind or being black or being poor. It was all my doing.

Companies to date have often used the excuse that they are only beholden to their shareholders but we need shareholders to think of themselves as stakeholders in the well being of society as well.

Society being codified by man decrees that woman is inferior she can do away with this inferiority only by destroying the male's superiority.

When an individual is protesting society's refusal to acknowledge his dignity as a human being his very act of protest confers dignity on him.

What I work hard at doing is staying on a path of being kind and showing and proving that I'm a good person to society. That's hard. The talent that's a gift. I just came here like that.

The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal not merely a gregarious animal but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.

When I read about the way in which library funds are being cut and cut I can only think that American society has found one more way to destroy itself.

We live in a society of victimization where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.

Society has always seemed to demand a little more from human beings than it will get in practice.

Some people strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are.

I enjoy what Twitter is because I can really connect with the fans and it's a great way to share information with them and it's also a great way to entertain. I like being able to put a smile on people's faces and letting them know what I'm doing.

I love the live performances and Las Vegas. I also like making films that are being discovered by another generation. Having been a teen idol of the '60s is great because you realize you left your generation with a smile and good memories.

A game one of my sisters will play with me in my first year of being alive is called Good Baby Bad Baby. This consists of being told I am a good baby until I smile and laugh then being told I am a bad baby until I burst into tears. This training will stand me in good stead all through my life.

Even if you're unhappy just pretend that you're happy. Eventually your smile will be contagious to yourself. I had to learn that. I used to think 'I'm being fake ' but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.

First I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her - for her energy and commitment to others and especially for her devotion to her two boys.

People need to understand that the Lauryn Hill they were exposed to in the beginning was all that was allowed in that arena at the time. I had to step away for the sake of the machine. I was being way too compromised. I felt uncomfortable having to smile in someone's face when I really didn't like them or know them well enough to like.

There are relatively few science fiction or fantasy books with the main character being an old person.

It does not just happen. It is disclosed by science that practically one-half of trained intellectual resources are being mobilized for murderous purposes.

I believe that science fiction is as profound as you want it to be or it can be very simple entertainment and I'm all for very simple entertainment. Every now and then we all need to come home veg-out watch something and not think too deeply about it. It's what you want it to be. We tend to steer clear of being pedantic it's entertainment first otherwise we'd be on a lecture circuit.

Modern science then so far from being an enemy of romance is seen on every hand to be its sympathetic and resourceful friend its swift and irresistible helper in its serious need and an indulgent minister to its lighter fancies.

I'm not being evasive but I am saying I'm not a scientist and I'm not directly involved in the consultation however the science must be sound it must be agreed and the consultation must be of a high quality or no one will have any confidence in the process.