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In order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Every adversity every failure every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.

In some movies you feel like you're a very small part of a huge machine. Whereas in the theater you can have a very small part but you can still feel the weight and the gravity of it. Given the nature of theater it's a more concentrated and quiet experience.

I'd done table reads for my own screenplays and I always thought they were so much fun. Why couldn't we do these for other classic screenplays and bring them to life? You can experience live theater where you get to see plays produced by different directors and different casts but there's really nothing like that for movie scripts.

The problem was to sustain at any cost the feeling you had in the theater that you were watching a real person yes but an intense condensation of his experience not simply a realistic series of episodes.

There's a positive side to film and television the sense of feeding into the theater... Your fans will follow you hopefully and be open-minded to see you play other things and experience other stories you want to tell.

The possibility of a scientific treatment of history means a wider experience a greater maturity of practical reason and finally a fuller realization of certain basic ideas regarding the nature of life and time.

I firmly believe that all human beings have access to extraordinary energies and powers. Judging from accounts of mystical experience heightened creativity or exceptional performance by athletes and artists we harbor a greater life than we know.

I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion which experience must cure which a just pride ought to discard.

We will have bigger bureaucracies bigger labor unions and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.

In a state therefore of great equality and virtue where pure and simple manners prevailed the increase of the human species would evidently be much greater than any increase that has been hitherto known.

Marriage equality is about more than just marriage. It's about something greater. It's about acceptance.

In regard to education something has been done by the Provincial Legislature but to build churches and to place clergymen is a work of greater difficulty.

I have a greater goal - to empower young people through music education.

By climbing a steeper road the value and appreciation Delaware State students took and continue to take from their education and their experiences is just as great if not greater than students attending ivy league schools.

Ladies and gentlemen: There can be no greater investment in Alabama's future than an investment in education.

In Mexico theater is very underground so if you're a theater actor it's very difficult to make a living. But it's also a very beautiful pathway to knowledge and to an open education.

One of the things that's great about New York is that it is not a one-industry town. It has education academia the service industry arts publishing theater politics fashion finance as well as movie-making.

I was a total education geek. I loved school. I loved learning. I loved doing homework. All of my books and notebooks from high school are underlined and highlighted and there are notes all over the margins. And you know I was a theater kid too. I was all over the place.

The American culture promotes personal responsibility the dignity of work the value of education the merit of service devotion to a purpose greater than self and at the foundation the pre-eminence of family.

It is all nonsense to be sure and so much the greater nonsense inasmuch as the true interpretation of many dreams - not by any means of all dreams - moves it may be said in the opposite direction to the method of psycho-analysis.

The Washington black community was able to succeed beyond his wildest dreams. I mean we had our own newspapers our own restaurants our own theaters our own small shops our own clubs our own Masonic lodges.

It's not like I had big dreams to go to California and become an actor. I loved doing my shows at school and community theater and I probably would have settled in New York because it was closer. I was going to go to NYU.