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Before I do a play I say that I hope it's going to be for as short a time as possible but once you do it it is a paradoxical pleasure. One evening out of two there are five minutes of a miracle and for those five minutes you want to do it again and again. It's like a drug.

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When the Grateful Dead needed a quality sound system to deliver our sonic payload I learned electronics and speaker design.

When I started this project I was a young architect. I was very apprehensive about any changes to the design. Whether I wanted to or not I learned that you can accept some changes to its form without compromising its intent. But it's a leap of faith that I didn't want to make initially - to put it mildly.

The United States government first learned of the diversion of the W-88 nuclear warhead design in late 1995.

What I've learned from different designers is that it's key to be true to who you are and your vision. That's always been my line of thinking. Working through the whole design process I don't want to create something I wouldn't be proud to wear.

What is the value of sticking a microphone in a man's face right after he has learned of his wife's death?

The learned are not agreed as to the time when the Gospel of John was written some dating it as early as the year 68 others as late as the year 98 but it is generally conceded to have been written after all the others.

I used to be a real prince charming if I went on a date with a girl. But then I'd get to where I was likely to have a stroke from the stress of keeping up my act. I've since learned the key to a good date is to pay attention on her.

My dad wanted me to play when I was a kid so I learned to play the guitar. I pursued a career in music because I love it so much and I enjoy what it does to those who hear it.

I actually study boxing - my dad was a Golden Gloves champion so I learned how to fight at a very young age. Growing up in Brooklyn you always had to watch your back so I pretty much learned to protect myself.

I didn't really get into golf until I was about 14. My mom and dad were taking lessons from a pro an hour and a half from our farm in Cohuna Australia. When they got home I'd ask my mom to explain everything they learned - drills and all.

From my dad I learned to be good to people to always be honest and straightforward. I learned hard work and perseverance.

The best thing I ever learned from my dad was he knew he wasn't the best of singers but he always knew he was a great entertainer and I always thought that was a good concept to bring along that ultimately acting is an entertainment art and you have to be aware of the fact that you want people to be excited to be watching you.

My mother's incredibly giving almost too giving at times. And my dad is a real logical person. He's got logic for every situation. They've been married for 24 years so there was that stability also. I really learned to think on my own at a very young age.

My dad was very fun and very adventurous and from a formative age I learned to value men who would do things on a whim.

Well Steve Vai joined my dad's band right around the time when I actually started playing guitar. So he gave me a couple of lessons on fundamentals and gave me some scales and practice things to work on. But I pretty much learned everything by ear.

I couldn't be a cameraman or a designer or an actor - I have to be a director because I learned how to do that from my dad.

I think it's easiest to teach by example. My dad didn't tell us to work hard we just saw how hard he worked. I know I have shortcomings - like a short fuse - but I've learned you can't come home from a long day of work and snap at the kids.

The founder of the Mona Foundation actually knew my dad for years and the more I learned about it the more I realized I really found the perfect charity. It sponsors schools and educational initiatives all over the planet.

Great dad. Yeah he would ask me for money on birthdays and you know inappropriate times. And I just wrote him off like 'You're not a father.' I just learned you cannot emotionally invest in people who are not attainable.

I never had a speech from my father 'this is what you must do or shouldn't do' but I just learned to be led by example. My father wasn't perfect.

When I was 18 I thought my father was pretty dumb. After a while when I got to be 21 I was amazed to find out how much he'd learned in three years.

I'm a writer of faith who worries about the intolerance of religion. I look at the past and fear we haven't learned from it. I believe that humanity is capable of evil as well as great acts of courage and goodness. I have hope. Deep down I believe in the human spirit although sometimes that belief is shaken.

I saw courage both in the Vietnam War and in the struggle to stop it. I learned that patriotism includes protest not just military service.

The one thing I learned the most about acting is it takes a tremendous amount of courage to go there and stand still. It takes courage and guts to step out of your mind frame and depict something.