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The nature of the movies is different than it was five years ago and they're all driven by the possibilities of CGI which means you can make anything happen on screen that you can possibly desire.

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Most Indians go into education. Their parents just push them into education like parents in Australia push them into sports.

A lot of children like I did move away from words because of the fear - which is something you have to take out of education: the fear of worrying about what marks you'll get detention worrying about letting people down your parents teachers.

Access to books and the encouragement of the habit of reading: these two things are the first and most necessary steps in education and librarians teachers and parents all over the country know it. It is our children's right and it is also our best hope and their best hope for the future.

My parents grew up working class but in that way that working class families do they spent a fortune on education to better me.

The government has convinced parents that at some point it's no longer their responsibility. And in fact they force them in many respects to turn their children over to the public education system and wrest control from them and block them out of participation of that. That has to change or education will not improve in this country.

My parents discussed singing every night over the dinner table I had a tremendous music education.

My parents were keen for me to have the education they themselves never had. They weren't able to guide me towards particular books but they encouraged me to read which I did randomly and compulsively.

Catholic schools in our Nation's education have been paramount in teaching the values that we as parents seek to instill in our children.

A person like myself born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta Georgia to lower-middle-class parents. But I had the opportunity to get an education to go and earn a commission in the United States Army to serve for 22 years to lead men and women in combat.

The older I grow the more I see the influence of my family on my life. I didn't always see it. It was up to our parents to see that we had our education in a town that hadn't yet realized what racial prejudice was but actually knew and practiced it on occasion.

My mom was really vigorous about making sure that we saw things and that we questioned things. Education was so important to both of my parents.

My parents came from a poor background and worked their way up because of education. They saw it as a way to succeed. So they cared about me getting straight A grades when I was growing up.

The Founding Fathers in their wisdom decided that children were an unnatural strain on parents. So they provided jails called schools equipped with tortures called an education.

Education was the most important value in our home when I was growing up. People don't always realize that my parents shared a sense of intellectual curiosity and a love of reading and of history.

Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations.

Parents should continue to become more involved with their communities and more involved in their children's education.

What I got which was unusual especially as a child actress was parents who believed that Hollywood was not that important. They told us education family health all come first and they meant it.

As far as I was concerned the Depression was an ill wind that blew some good. If it hadn't occurred my parents would have given me my college education. As it was I had to scrabble for it.

Education begins at home and I applaud the parents who recognize that they - not someone else - must take responsibility to assure that their children are well educated.

Whenever a youth is ascertained to possess talents meriting an education which his parents cannot afford he should be carried forward at the public expense.

I feel very lucky because of my parents and then my education the opportunities that I've had so I would like to continue working to improve lives for others.

I was so lucky to have parents who supported me 100% with whatever I was doing both financially and emotionally. Having that they made my life so much easier. Instead of becoming a bartender and trying to survive while trying to pursue your dreams I didn't have to worry about that aspect. I could just pursue my dreams.

It has been my observation that parents kill more dreams than anybody.

We use our parents like recurring dreams to be entered into when needed.