Search For rents In Quotes 502

My parents have been incredibly supportive from perhaps the first real independent decision I made to become a vegetarian at 11 which was certainly not consistent with their diet at the time.

I have lived with my husband more than I have with my parents... I live beside him and know his worries his hopes and his dreams for his nation. We believe that things happen by design not in an arbitrary way. And we believe it is our duty to make things happen.

Internet safety begins at home and that is why my legislation would require the Federal Trade Commission to design and publish a unique website to serve as a clearinghouse and resource for parents teachers and children for information on the dangers of surfing the Internet.

People tell you the world looks a certain way. Parents tell you how to think. Schools tell you how to think. TV. Religion. And then at a certain point if you're lucky you realize you can make up your own mind. Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life.

I made a supreme effort not to do that thing that parents do which is to bore people without children to death by going on and on about how funny their children are so there's none of that hopefully.

As a kid all I thought about was death. But you can't tell your parents that.

I was not encouraged to follow the career of a writer because my parents thought that I was going to starve to death. They thought nobody can make a living from being a writer in Brazil. They were not wrong.

You know I had my mother and my father convincing me that he would be going back to Hollywood and he'd be back with the actresses and dating them and that he wasn't serious about me at all. So I had him saying one thing to me and my parents telling me something else.

Everyone gets surprised because neither one of my parents play golf. Like I said in my speech my aunt and uncle really love golf and we visited them and she gave me two clubs. Like people think when they don't know who my dad is they think he's my coach.

My mum's parents were from Ireland my dad's mum was American-Irish.

No like I said my dad was never really part of the tennis. His involvement around what I did with the tennis and with my mom and my grandparents was really not a part of my life.

Dad is my best mate and I can tell Mum absolutely anything. I really appreciate Mum and Dad. Why are we so close? Young parents I think. The rock business keeps their minds young.

My parents loved each other. I was raised in a house of total love and respect. My dad worked very hard and my mother was incredibly devoted to him. I can unequivocally without any peradventure of doubt tell you that I was raised with the kind of love that we only dream of.

My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.'

My dad was born in Chicago in 1908... his parents came from Russia. They settled in Chicago where they lived in a little tiny grocery store with eight or nine children - in the backroom all together - and my grandmother got the idea to go into the movie business.

My dad was a singer in a band and neither of my parents went to college and I ended up getting into Harvard and was the first person in my family that went to college and it happened to be Harvard.

It was sort of just a family sport. My mom and dad were pretty keen golfers when I was young and so were my grandparents and I just sort of tagged along with them.

I used to listen to my dad a lot as a way of trying to be close to him as well because my parents were divorced and I didn't spend that much time with him. And I used to put headphones on and listen to my dad talk and sing and I found that quite... bonding with him in a weird way.

I wasn't sure how my dad would react. There was an agent sitting behind them and he told me he was embarrassed to watch the scenes. My parents have always been very open. They trust my decisions.

The only other time I can recall my dad getting upset at me was when I missed a hockey practice. My parents were away so my buddy and I decided to skip it. I never told my dad about it but he found out from the coach.

Everybody always wants to rebel against their parents' music but nobody listened to music louder than my dad.

And in that time I lost my dad and had kids of my own. It was like OK I get it now. I know what fatherhood is all about. And you look at your parents differently.

My parents were both actors my dad sort of quite early on. My mother acted for a while and now she's a painter.

I was a sickly baby and after two sets of adoptive parents took me home they returned me to the orphanage because of a serious respiratory infection. But as they say the third time's a charm because my mom and dad adopted me and took me into their home where I was raised in a family full of love.