Search For woman In Quotes 660

I believe my woman shouldn't work outside the home.

I'm the type of woman you might say is too good. I'll massage a man's feet have dinner cooked when he gets home. But once they leave the door is closed and the locks are changed.

A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman.

Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who'll give you a little love a little affection a little tenderness? It means you're in the wrong house that's what it means.

Housework is what a woman does that nobody notices unless she hasn't done it.

Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.

Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice.

Love is the whole history of a woman's life it is but an episode in a man's.

Since the dawn of time traditional marriage - the union between one man and one woman - has been the building block of civilization and at no point in our nation's history has that foundation been under more severe attack than now.

Dorothy is the only woman in history who has had her menopause in public and made it pay.

The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause as for instance the black man's right to his body or woman's right to her soul.

A woman's whole life is a history of the affections.

Whether a woman's running for office or she's supporting her husband who's running for office and she gets criticised for wearing open-toed shoes or for the colour of her coat there's just a lot of history that you bear if you are a woman who puts herself out in the political arena.

For most of history Anonymous was a woman.

For that story I took as my subject a young woman whom I got to know over the course of a couple of visits. I never saw her having any health problems - but I knew she wanted to be married.

As a single-payer advocate I believe that at the end of the day if a state goes forward and passed an effective single-payer program it will demonstrate that you can provide quality health care to every man woman and child in a more cost-effective way.

When President Obama passed health care reform it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman's health that's personal too.

We can never ever say it enough: every woman - especially every young woman-has to take charge of her health... and do what's right for her!

A woman's health is her capital.

The house a woman creates is a Utopia. She can't help it - can't help trying to interest her nearest and dearest not in happiness itself but in the search for it.

If happiness truly consisted in physical ease and freedom from care then the happiest individual would not be either a man or a woman it would be I think an American cow.

I think people really marry far too much it is such a lottery after all and for a poor woman a very doubtful happiness.

One thing I've been happy as peach pie about - because I'm all about the children and the happiness of a woman because that makes the happiness of the home - is that nannies day cares and babysitters are all collapsing which is forcing moms and dads to raise their children at home.

I am happy as happiness goes for a woman who has so many memories and who lives the lonely life of an actress.