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I honestly believe that there's an element in this country in our politics that does not want to see a businessman succeed at getting the nomination for the Republican party and does not want me to succeed at becoming President of the United States of America.

Search For education In Quotes 1059

What is defeat? Nothing but education. Nothing but the first step to something better.

The real fight is about what should be in the marketplace and what should not. Should education be a marketable commodity? Should healthcare?

And what is liberty whose very name makes the heart beat faster and shakes the world? Is it not the union of all liberties - liberty of conscience of education of association of the press of travel or labor or trade?

Education is the cornerstone of our communities and our country.

My mother is a professor of early childhood education. When I was two she would say she knew I was going to be an actor.

Government will not fail to employ education to strengthen its hands and perpetuate its institutions.

As the true object of education is not to render the pupil the mere copy of his preceptor it is rather to be rejoiced in than lamented that various reading should lead him into new trains of thinking.

Mothers unless they were very poor didn't work. Both of my parents had to leave education. My mother had to work in a cotton mill until 18 or 19 when she took some training in domestic science.

Look I want what's good for everybody. I want to promote good state education for all. I want to raise standards for all kids irrespective of race and class but why can't they all just do what I say when I know I'm right?

My votes against the education bill and my votes against the Medicare bill got huge play at home.

But instead of standing up for reason our government is handing education over to the world of faith.

A writer should get as much education as possible but just going to school is not enough if it were all owners of doctorates would be inspired writers.

I'm not sure it's the stimulus money that will necessarily allow the economy to recover. It will help to fortify our budgets frankly to ensure that there isn't as much backsliding in the areas of education and healthcare for example.

Economic prosperity and quality education for our children are inexorably linked.

What makes me angry? The education of children. How in God's name can you expect to have a functioning society the way we teach our kids?

My parents had an old-fashioned ideal of college that four years at a liberal arts college should be a liberal arts education.

You can't have a sustainable US economy without a great education system. Teach students to do the job right. You don't have an innovative economy unless you have a great education.

The value of a good education has never left me.

My advantage as a woman and a human being has been in having a mother who believed strongly in women's education. She was an early undergraduate at Oxford and her own mother was a doctor.

Education is a state-controlled manufactory of echoes.

Human education is concerned with certain changes in the intellects characters and behavior of men its problems being roughly included under these four topics: Aims materials means and methods.

In fact I believe that we need better sex education in our own culture here in America so that young folk learn about things like venereal disease before they encounter it.

Capitalism would have never let me be a filmmaker living in Flint Michigan with a high school education. I was going to have to make that happen myself.

Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions.