Search For sports In Quotes 599

In any small town sports are really important to the high school and I wasn't very good at sports.

Sport was my absolute love. It was very sporty household. We had my - my brother and I both loved sports.

I am so fidgety - I swear I have ADD - and I always need to be doing something or being outside just playing sports.

I'm really into extreme sports and just having fun.

I have to wear two sports bras when I do my cardio. It takes a lot to hold these puppies up!

I have zero interest in sports of any kind - professional college or international.

Books had instant replay long before televised sports.

I liked the game I enjoyed the game and the game fed me enough and gave me enough rewards to reinforce that this is something that I should spend time doing and that I could possibly make a priority in my life versus other sports.

There is no life for girls in team sports past Little League. I got into tennis when I realized this and because I thought golf would be too slow for me and I was too scared to swim.

I'm not into extreme sports or something. I just live a quiet life.

I am a sports fanatic and being able to perform at halftime for the fans of the Steelers and the Jets is such a thrill for me.

Of course in our grade school in those days there were no organized sports at all. We just went out and ran around the school yard for recess.

I don't watch a lot of television. Sports and news that's it.

I play sports.

There is a syndrome in sports called 'paralysis by analysis.'

Sports is a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and achieving against great odds. Athletes in times of difficulty can be important role models.

I grew up being into sports and I wasn't trained to move my body in the right way for dancing. I'm the last one to get any moves correct. In rehearsals it's always 'OK one more take for Zac.'

It sounds like a cliche but it... you do sing about what you know about. And I grew up in a small town and I grew up in a place where your whole world revolved around friends family school and church and sports.

I've been a sports fan all my life and like most other actors I'm convinced I could have been a pro athlete if Hollywood hadn't come calling.

I know I could be the host of 'SportsCenter' in two years if I changed my show today to sports.

But sports photography isn't something you just pick up overnight. You can't do it once a year for fun and expect to do a good job. And I take pride in what I do.

Being a celebrity you always get really good seats to sporting events but you never get as good seats as the photographers get. And I really love sports. So one of the scams I have going now is I want to learn sports photography so I can get better seats at a sporting event.

I never played sports. I wasn't any good at them.

There are kids who get on a BMX bike when they're eight years old and they go 'Whoa this is incredible ' and grow up to do extreme sports. It's the same for me with acting.