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I was probably more scared of my high school exams than I was of the Oscars. At the time you think it's everything and if you don't do well your life's over. Opportunities are gone. So the more you do it the less the fear is present.

There is nothing strange about fear: no matter in what guise it presents itself it is something with which we are all so familiar that when a man appears who is without it we are at once enslaved by him.

You feel sometimes when you hear analysts and knowledgeable people talking about Iran that they fear so much about the survival of the regime because deep down it's not a legitimate regime it doesn't represent the will of the people it's kind of morphed into kind of a military theocracy.

Look not mournfully into the past it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.

We should not fret for what is past nor should we be anxious about the future men of discernment deal only with the present moment.

Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past I think has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.

When you're famous you don't get to meet people because they want you to like them when the present themselves to you and you don't see the real people.

My parents did a great job raising me and my two sisters. We all graduated from high school and we all graduated from college. So to be a good representative of my family is probably my greatest accomplishment thus far.

My family makes these vinegars - out of everything from grapes to peaches and cherries. We go through the whole process with the giant vat and drainer label them and give them as Christmas presents.

It has to be real and I think a lot of the problems we have as a society is because we don't acknowledge that family is important and it has to be people who are present you know and mothers and fathers both are not present enough with children.

The family only represents one aspect however important an aspect of a human being's functions and activities. A life is beautiful and ideal or the reverse only when we have taken into our consideration the social as well as the family relationship.

No doubt the White House thinks the American people know Obama's story. But since the Inauguration we've seen only the president's present: his perfect family his Ivy League elegance his effortless mastery of complex issues. We never see him sweat. And we forget that he ever had to struggle.

We must not allow the liberals to move us away from the conservative values of the American past which sustain our present and shall secure our future. As for me and my family we will serve God we will serve this constitutional republic we will serve America.

In dwelling live close to the ground. In thinking keep to the simple. In conflict be fair and generous. In governing don't try to control. In work do what you enjoy. In family life be completely present.

And in that I cannot send unto you all my businesses in writing I despatch these present bearers fully informed in all things to whom it may please you to give faith and credence in what they shall say unto you by word of mouth.

Since the presidency of Ronald Reagan conservatives have succeeded by adhering to a platform that rests firmly on three legs: smaller government faith and family and a strong national defense. These three legs do not merely represent a political coalition they are three necessary components of a strong and secure America.

We know the past and its great events the present in its multitudinous complications chiefly through faith in the testimony of others.

To try to fashion something from suffering to relish our triumphs and to endure defeats without resentment: all that is compatible with the faith of a heretic.

The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic not gifted with the necessary scientific learning presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success.

America traditionally represents the greatest possibility of someone's going from nothing to something. Why? In theory if not practice the government stays out of the way and lets individuals take risks and reap rewards or accept the consequences of failure. We call this capitalism - or at least we used to.

All war represents a failure of diplomacy.

Success represents the 1% of your work which results from the 99% that is called failure.

The president felt that it was important to send an ordinary citizen to experience the excitement of space travel as a representative for all Americans.