Search For amend In Quotes 61

History has shown us that on extraordinarily rare occasions it becomes necessary for the federal government to intervene on behalf of individuals whose 14th Amendment rights to legal due process and equal protection may be violated by a state.

Our learning ought to be our lives' amendment and the fruits of our private study ought to appear in our public behavior.

Why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as well as prohibition did in five years Americans would be the smartest race of people on Earth.

The point is that knowledge of God is not prohibited under the First Amendment.

The 4th Amendment and the personal rights it secures have a long history. At the very core stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from unreasonable governmental intrusion.

The 1st Amendment protects the right to speak not the right to spend.

One who comes to the Court must come to adore not to protest. That's the new gloss on the 1st Amendment.

Statutes authorizing unreasonable searches were the core concern of the framers of the 4th Amendment.

I have worked to expand the health care debate beyond the current for-profit system to include a public option and an amendment to free the states to pursue single payer.

It is time we passed a balanced budget amendment and return this government to limited spending.

You know why there's a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one.

This country with its institutions belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.

I'm not in the leftist controlled Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because of my political views primarily my lifelong militant support of the NRA the Second Amendment and my belief that the only good bad guy is a dead bad guy.

1913 wasn't a very good year. 1913 gave us the income tax the 16th amendment and the IRS.

Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning why don't they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did why in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth.

One of the surest evidences of friendship that one individual can display to another is telling him gently of a fault. If any other can excel it it is listening to such a disclosure with gratitude and amending the error.

Criticism of government finds sanctuary in several portions of the 1st Amendment. It is part of the right of free speech. It embraces freedom of the press.

We don't have an Official Secrets Act in the United States as other countries do. Under the First Amendment freedom of the press freedom of speech and freedom of association are more important than protecting secrets.

We all have the right of freedom of speech under the First Amendment. We all don't have to agree with one another on our opinions. Everyone in my circle that I run around with we all feel the same about God country integrity and character.

The First Amendment freedom of religion is as important today as when the Bill of Rights was first written.

So the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out there preserving and fighting for and sometimes winning and sometimes losing the fight for First Amendment rights in comics and more generally for freedom of speech.

The current total of countries in the world with First Amendments is one. You have guaranteed freedom of speech. Other countries don't have that.

Today's Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments. Those amendments speak to a sense of decency and fairness that I and other Blacks cherish.

I begin to feel like most Americans don't understand the First Amendment don't understand the idea of freedom of speech and don't understand that it's the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.