Search For assure In Quotes 50

If kind parents love their children and delight in their happiness then he who is perfect goodness in sending abroad mortal contagions doth assuredly direct their use.

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured it may never arrive. Mountains will not be climbed races won or lasting happiness achieved.

Assuredly Loving Souls you should go to God with all humility and respect humbling yourselves in His presence especially when you remember your past ingratitude and sins.

As long as I do a good job I believe the future is going to take care of itself but actually I like very much being in elected office and there is no consideration about doing anything different until I can be assured that we are going to have the best voting systems in the country.

We cannot always assure the future of our friends we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are.

Future. That period of time in which our affairs prosper our friends are true and our happiness is assured.

I've started looking at my own father a bit funny. He assures me though that I really am the son of a Scottish postman.

The development of the food industry for both domestic and export markets relies on a regulatory framework that both protects the consumer and assures fair trading practices in food.

Most fear stems from sin to limit one's sins one must assuredly limit one's fear thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit.

My faith grew strong and I sent a letter (as I was ordered) to the Rev. Dignitary of the Cathedral of Exeter. I was assured before I sent it he would not answer it.

Democrats can neither control nor predict whether our GOP counterparts are really ready to play chicken with the U.S. economy. But we can assure the American people that our party takes the nation's faith and credit seriously.

We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith and grave doctors to be so in moral questions so that we can feel reassured.

Students rarely disappoint teachers who assure them in advance that they are doomed to failure.

The perfection of our union especially our commitment to equality of opportunity has been a story of constant striving to live up to our Founding principles. This is what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said 'In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve.'

Let them be reassured it has never been one of our intentions to ban religion in society but solely to protect the national education system from any conspicuous display of religious affiliation.

True education is concerned not only with practical goals but also with values. Our aims assure us of our material life our values make possible our spiritual life.

Education begins at home and I applaud the parents who recognize that they - not someone else - must take responsibility to assure that their children are well educated.

Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you it's much more serious than that.

It is up to African leaders to show their will and political courage in order to assure that this new pan-African institution becomes an efficient instrument and not a place for endless discussions.

It is vital that the United States maintains open lines of communication with our allies. We must assure them of our commitment to eradicating global terrorism wherever it may reside or wherever it's given haven.

I assure you that the training that you get in a midget in a sprint car and perhaps in a Silver Crown car is really the kind of experience that makes you into a damn good race driver.

Be assured those will be thy worst enemies not to whom thou hast done evil but who have done evil to thee. And those will be thy best friends not to whom thou hast done good but who have done good to thee.

Rest assured that whatever station of life we are placed princely or lowly it contains the lessons and experiences necessary at the moment for our evolution and gives us the best advantage for the development of ourselves.

In giving freedom to the slave we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve. We shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of earth.