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I got a nomination for director which means the world to me it's just the most exciting thing for me and my family. You do the good hard work and the rest of it is something you shouldn't get too caught up in but when it happens - boy! I respect it.

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There is a huge responsibility on all of us to get England through. It would be one of the biggest disasters in sports history if we blew it and we must make sure it does not happen.

That's the biggest problem with boxing in the United States. They do not promote it like they used to when it used to be Howard Cosell and they showed it on 'Wide World of Sports.' Everybody knew all the fighters. Everybody was looking forward to the year when the Olympics came on.

The biggest lesson from Africa was that life's joys come mostly from relationships and friendships not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields they laughed all the time.

That's the biggest gap in sports the difference between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl.

Up until now the biggest question in society about video games has been what to do about violent games. But it's almost like society in general considers video games to be something of a nuisance that they want to toss into the garbage can.

I think the enemy is self-censorship. In a free society the biggest danger is that you're afraid to the point where you censor yourself.

The concept of the 'good ol' days' must be one of our society's biggest delusions top reasons for depression as well as most often used excuse for lack of success.

The biggest thing we get out of it is seeing the kids smile. And hopefully we will also see that the lessons we're teaching - not only the fundamentals of hockey but also the life values - are sinking in.

Biology is now bigger than physics as measured by the size of budgets by the size of the workforce or by the output of major discoveries and biology is likely to remain the biggest part of science through the twenty-first century.

I used to think information was destroyed in black hole. This was my biggest blunder or at least my biggest blunder in science.

Well my biggest dream is to be in a romantic comedy.

I wouldn't treat a romantic scene any differently than any other scene. I would really say the biggest preparation was chewing gum and breath mints! For a kissing scene it's all about the breath mints!

Therapy was the biggest romance of my life.

If you have to fight a crowd of boys it's best to go for the biggest one. That way you won't have to fight them all. The others will see that you mean business and you will win their respect.

I love Johnny Cash and I respect Johnny Cash. He's the biggest. He's like an Elvis in this business but no he's never been the rebel.

The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen to talk to have a conversation - or a relationship.

And the biggest coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly.

My biggest problem will be lack of match toughness but I am a positive optimistic person.

America's biggest export is media and I think that's a positive thing.

I had a great first year and Mr. MacDonald was my biggest supporter. He gave me the encouragement I needed that first year to get my career started on a positive note.

Each season I find myself constantly inspired by 'The Biggest Loser' contestants. Their tenacity and willingness to learn new healthy habits is tremendous and the results speak for themselves. I am honored to be part of such an inspiring program that helps inspire positive change in so many lives.

I think Ralph Nader is the biggest liar in American politics when he said it didn't matter who was president.

The biggest problem is people are afraid of poetry think they can't understand it or that it will be boring.

One of my biggest pet peeves is that I just don't like it when characters do things that are funny to the writer but you don't know why they're doing it and it doesn't make any sense.