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Whereas I used to get depressed or neurotic or dwell on things I see my son's bright eyes and smile in the morning and suddenly I don't feel like I'm depressed anymore. There's nothing to be depressed about when you've got that.

Search For bought In Quotes 78

My mom bought me a white Strat but that wasn't what I wanted so I went to a guitar store in Cleveland and - the guy told me it was a really good deal - made an even swap for a blue Teisco Del Ray. I loved that guitar and used it a bunch.

Country was about character. Country's changed because of monsters like Clear Channel who bought up all the stations and sliced them up into formats. Our demographic is now the soccer mom.

Ever since I was a little kid I've felt comfortable in a suit. It all started when my mom bought me a three-piece Pierre Cardin suit. I wore that thing everywhere. Eventually I realized I was going to be the kid who got beat up in school but I kept wearing it.

I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

Men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage - they've experienced pain and bought jewelry.

So I went out and bought Hard Again by Muddy Waters. That was a big learning curve. I listened to that album again and again and again. James Cotton was the harmonica player on that album.

I've bought pretty much every book ever written about the Alamo and I talk to my friends that I've made over the past 15 20 years. It's just a constant learning and fascinating thing for me.

TRUE some land was bought by a few Cabinet Ministers. They bought the land. No minister to my knowledge acquired land which was meant for resettlement.

I went to the store and bought lady fingers when I got home I noticed one of the fingers was missing so I went back to the store and the manager was nice enough to give me the finger.

About 15 years ago I went though a period of a year or so when I just couldn't find anything good. My wife noticed I was having trouble reading menus. I bought some cheap reading glasses in a drug store. I got home and suddenly all these books that weren't good were good.

My mom enlisted in the U.S. Navy in World War II and my parents actually bought our home thanks to the loan she got through the GI Bill.

I bought a Yamaha-1 and I was doing 180 miles per hour home on the 405 and that's really really crazy but I did it.

Having bought furniture for my own house and bought furniture for our house in Washington a furniture store seemed like a good idea and it also played into my personal history.

Well what did we buy? Instead of a leaner smarter government we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy and which will put 16 500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill.

I always looked for a man to rescue me and bring me happiness. I bought into that myth of course and looked for my own Prince Charming.

When I was a little kid I wrote this play about all these characters living in a haunted house. There was a witch who lived there and a mummy. When they were all hassling him this guy who bought the house - I can't believe I remember this - he said to them 'Who's paying the mortgage on this haunted house?' I thought that was really funny.

I bought some batteries but they weren't included.

Nothing drew me to the film business. I was propelled by the fear and anxiety of Vietnam. I had been drafted into the Marines. My brother was already serving in Vietnam. I bought if you will a stay of execution - both literally and figuratively - and went on to graduate school of business from the law school that I was attending.

He makes me laugh Mick! He tended to turn up when we were having lunch and entertain us all. He bought an Enigma machine! I've never worked with a producer who was more famous than everyone put together.

I woke up one morning to find I was famous. I bought a white Rolls-Royce and drove down Sunset Boulevard wearing dark specs and a white suit waving like the Queen Mum.

I bought a lot of rubbish things that kids buy: skateboards and clothes and typical teenage stuff. And as soon as I could I wasted a lot of money on cars - BMW's mostly - for myself and my family.

But thankfully my first album 'Wide Screen ' was sort of a critics' darling - everyone raved about it but no one bought it. They only manufactured 10 000 copies I wasn't even in the running for failure!

What is the price of experience? Do men buy it for a song? Or wisdom for a dance in the street? No it is bought with the price of all the man hath his house his wife his children.

We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.