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'Lucky' is for laughs and there's really nothing funny that I'm doing on 'Dexter.' I think more than anything both comment on the fact that anybody is capable of anything. Just because they are the shy guy in the corner doesn't mean that they are a harmless little bunny.

Search For channel In Quotes 37

The usual channels of university studies or secretarial work did not appeal to me. I cherished difficult dreams through confidence in myself.

I'm watching the Weather Channel more than I've ever watched it. I'm scared to death it's going to rain.

I just finished my homework fast I was bored to death. There wasn't 500 channels so there was a thing for a librarian to teach a kid like me about reading. I started reading early and I read all the time because I love it.

My father-in-law gets up at 5 o'clock in the morning and watches the Discovery Channel. I don't know why there's this big rush to do this.

What's weird is that I work with these directors and then I start channeling them. I kind of turn into them a bit - which is cool when you're working with Clint Eastwood.

Most of an award-show host's job is showing up and keeping a cool head and soldiering through it whether it's the Oscars or the Hallmark Channel's 'Hero Dog Awards.'

I think I'm drawn to more villain-type characters because it's so cool to get to say all the things you want to say. In Hollywood you get to this position where you have to bite your tongue so much. You take all your experiences of not being able to say what you really want to say and channel that through your character.

We all grew up our grandmothers and mothers had about three channels to watch so we watched those soaps and now a generation has grown up with the Internet and computers and video games.

We have the character of an island nation: independent forthright passionate in defence of our sovereignty. We can no more change this British sensibility than we can drain the English Channel. And because of this sensibility we come to the European Union with a frame of mind that is more practical than emotional.

I'm generally quite an angry person and I like to channel my anger toward something creative.

And I think there's something about conservatives frankly - and the Left when it comes to their channels of persuasion are unpersuasive. They are most of them are hate-filled obscenity-clogged rants of anger and hatred.

I know some of my parents' friends think 'Little Britain' is in incredibly poor taste. But swimming the Channel? You can't really say anything negative about that can you? There's nothing better than making your parents happy. The glee on my father's face that day was amazing.

We watch a lot of Discovery Channel shows like 'The Biggest Loser' and even 'Amazing Race.' You learn a lot about the world it's fun and nobody's interested in beating anybody down. And then the opposite: I'm a huge fan of 'Survivor.'