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Not only does travel give us a new system of reckoning it also brings to the fore unknown aspects of our own self. Our consciousness being broadened and enriched we shall judge ourselves more correctly.

Search For chest In Quotes 68

Every morning I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there I go to work.

Because I don't take money I'll go anywhere and do a benefit concert with almost any orchestra.

I'm from Manchester Mass. so it was lobster lobster and more lobster! Also lots of fish that we caught in the summers clam chowder and roast beef sandwiches. But my mom was pretty healthy we had a lot of chicken and broccoli and rice as well.

What's with you men? Would hair stop growing on your chest if you asked directions somewhere?

The Amateur Marriage grew out of the reflection that of all the opportunities to show differences in character surely an unhappy marriage must be the richest.

The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time.

What happened with Hurricane Katrina was the American electorate was forced to look at what lay behind the veneer of chest-beating. We all saw the consequences of having terrible government leadership.

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.

Chemistry is not anything an executive producer or writer can orchestrate or plan you just hope for it.

I have a dress-up chest at home. I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.

The home should be the treasure chest of living.

If past history was all there was to the game the richest people would be librarians.

There is just no reason why the richest nation in the world can't provide health care to all its people.

People are ready to say 'Yes we are ready for single-payer health insurance.' We are the only industrialized country in the world that does not have national health insurance. We are the richest in wealth and the poorest in health of all the industrial nations.

My personal feeling if I can interject a political note is that I don't think it is right that basic health care is a privilege. It shouldn't be. It should be a right of all human beings. And certainly in the richest country in the world.

What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest.

It's very difficult for the American people to believe that our government one of the richest on Earth is also one of the stingiest on Earth.

I used to think like Moses. That knocked me down for a couple years and put me in prison. Then I start thinking like Job. Job waited and became the wealthiest and richest man ever 'cause he believed in God.

All my life Americans have been accustomed to thinking of theirs as 'the richest freest' country in the world. By most measurements it was long a contender for that honor and - among the larger countries if equal weight were given to wealth and indices of freedom - probably did deserve to be so described.

We must then build a proper relationship between the richest and the poorest countries based on our desire that they are able to fend for themselves with the investment that is necessary in their agriculture so that Africa is not a net importer of food but an exporter of food.

On the other hand when I give it closer thought I realize I'm not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.

My wife Elizabeth and I started The Really Terrible Orchestra for people like us who are pretty hopeless musicians who would like to play in an orchestra. It has been a great success. We give performances we've become the most famous bad orchestra in the world.

It did remind me of something out of Greek mythology - the richest king who gets everything he wants but ultimately his family has a curse on it from the Gods.

In the richest country in the history of the world this Obama economy has crushed the middle class. Family income has fallen by $4 0 but health insurance premiums are higher food prices are higher utility bills are higher and gasoline prices have doubled. Today more Americans wake up in poverty than ever before.