Search For corporation In Quotes 43

A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others.

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

It is not natural or inevitable that half the world goes hungry that the freedom of markets trumps protection of the planet or that citizens' rights come second to those of corporations.

If you go back to the time of J.P. Morgan the world of high finance was completely wholesale. The prestigious investment banks on Wall Street appealed exclusively to large corporations governments and to extremely wealthy individuals.

We will have bigger bureaucracies bigger labor unions and bigger state-run corporations. It will be harder to be an entrepreneur because of punitive taxes and regulations. The rewards of success will be expropriated for the sake of attaining greater income equality.

Time after time we're told corporations should have freedom from pesky job safety regulations environmental protections and labor standards - giving working people the freedom to be crushed in collapsing mines choke on filthy air and get paid too little to live on.

In every case the environmental hazards were made known only by independent scientists who were often bitterly opposed by the corporations responsible for the hazards.

I am on the board of corporations who contribute both to environmental problems and their solutions. And I am on the NGO side: the Earth Council and other organizations.

After all sustainability means running the global environment - Earth Inc. - like a corporation: with depreciation amortization and maintenance accounts. In other words keeping the asset whole rather than undermining your natural capital.

A black agenda is jobs jobs jobs quality education investment in infrastructure and strong democratic regulation of corporations. The black agenda at its best looks at America from the vantage point of the least of these and asks what's best for all.

An image is not simply a trademark a design a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual institution corporation product or service.

It's an incredible con job when you think about it to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don't try to make it posthumous.

In addition to this they already have a fuel cell car on the road in Japan. It is subsidized from within the corporation because they are still at a high cost.

Corporations are not in business to be social-welfare organizations they are there to make money.

Where are the jobs going to come from?Small business manufacturing and clean energy. Where's the money to finance them? The banks and the corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right now.

But I believe in fair trade and I will tell you I have many many friends heading up corporations and people that do just business in China they say it's virtually impossible. It's very very hard to come into China. And yet we welcome them with open arms.

I don't think meals have any business being deductible. I'm for separation of calories and corporations.

Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility.

Non-disclosure in the Internet Age is quickly perceived as a breach of trust. Government corporations and each of us as individuals must recalibrate how we live and share our lives appropriate to the information now available and the expectations of others.