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The nature of catastrophe is after all reasonably unvarying in the way it ruins destroys wounds and devastates. But if something can be learned from the event - not least something as profound as the theory of plate tectonics - then it somehow puts the ruination into a much more positive light.

Search For daddy In Quotes 35

What must it be like for a little boy to read that daddy never loved mummy?

My daddy Rev. A. D. King my granddaddy Martin Luther King Senior - we are a family of faith hope and love.

I'd like to play Matt Damon's daddy. He's a wonderful actor I really admire him and I'd like to play his dad one day.

As Daddy said life is 95 percent anticipation.

I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them but I didn't. I decided that whatever trip I was on they were going with me. You're looking at a real daddy.

Cotton Owens was leading and daddy was second. They came up on me and I moved over to let them pass. Cotton went on but daddy bumped me in the rear and my car went right into the wall.

If there's one thing I really want for my birthday that is for the mining company not to mine my daddy's reserve.

My son had his eighth birthday recently and we had a chance to borrow the film and show it to all of his friends that was at his birthday party and they loved it. I was a little nervous. I said they might not even like it and say his daddy's movie is wack but they loved it.

The death of my father is probably the biggest thing that I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends.

'Chasing Amy' was an amazing role but then after that I went and did 'Big Daddy' and you're the girlfriend or you're the best friend. I wasn't getting the Nicole Kidman roles.

Once you grow past Mommy and Daddy coming running when you're hurt you're really on your own. You're alone and there's no one to help you.