Search For derive In Quotes 47

Derive happiness in oneself from a good day's work from illuminating the fog that surrounds us.

Two hundred years ago our Founding Fathers gave us a democracy. It was based upon the simple yet noble idea that government derives its validity from the consent of the governed.

The people are the only legitimate fountain of power and it is from them that the constitutional charter under which the several branches of government hold their power is derived.

Our nation is built on the bedrock principle that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.

God is not a hypothesis derived from logical assumptions but an immediate insight self-evident as light. He is not something to be sought in the darkness with the light of reason. He is the light.

To her audience Janis Joplin has remained a symbol artifact and reminder of late Sixties youth culture. Her popularity never derived from her musical ability but from her capacity to link her fantasies of freedom and immortality with ours.

The intense happiness of our union is derived in a high degree from the perfect freedom with which we each follow and declare our own impressions.

Humility is a great quality of leadership which derives respect and not just fear or hatred.

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.

Seven and half years ago I began my own journey. For me and my family it was a time of adversity. But during that adversity I derived a deeper faith. And born out of that adversity was a commitment to devote myself to those people and to those issues that truly matter to me.

The realm of immediate or personal knowledge is a narrow circle in which these bodies move the realm of knowledge derived through faith is as wide as the universe and old as eternity.

We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.

THE rich possess ample means to realize any theory they may chuse to adopt in the education of their children regardless of the cost but it is not so with him whose Subsistence is derived from industry.

In almost every interview someone asks what does HIM stand for. I can't even remember our latest lie about that. When Hanson was hot we said it means Hanson Is Murder. The name doesn't have a particular history. His Infernal Majesty was a totally different band. I think HIM derives from some death metal joke.

What men have called friendship is only a social arrangement a mutual adjustment of interests an interchange of services given and received it is in sum simply a business from which those involved propose to derive a steady profit for their own self-love.

The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give.

So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty. All other pacts of love or fear derive from it and are modeled upon it.

Liturgy is like a strong tree whose beauty is derived from the continuous renewal of its leaves but whose strength comes from the old trunk with solid roots in the ground.

The pleasure we derive from the representation of the present is due not only to the beauty it can be clothed in but also to its essential quality of being the present.

Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it for nothing is made worse or better by praise.

To the man who loves art for its own sake it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.

Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.