Search For elder In Quotes 45

Clearly older women and especially older women who have led an active life or elder women who successfully maneuver through their own family life have so much to teach us about sharing patience and wisdom.

If you wish to succeed in life make perseverance your bosom friend experience your wise counselor caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.

I did get a very fine education and not just in science. It took some pressure on the part of my elders to convince me that I really should take an interest in humanities.

But I like going to church. If you've been brought up in the Church of England it feels like visiting an elderly relative. And I think it's important that part of the kids' education is knowing about the Bible.

Jews know this in their bones. Our community could not exist for a day without its volunteers. They are the lifeblood of our organizations whether they involve welfare youth education care of the sick and elderly or even protection against violence and abuse.

Travel in the younger sort is a part of education in the elder a part of experience.

There has been enough suffering in our country there has been enough of children whose dreams die before they have a chance to grow and there has been enough of our elders who having served their nation are forced into indignity in their old age.

Nobody with an IQ higher than emergency-room temperature could ever believe that 'death panels' would be appointed to nudge the elderly toward euthanasia. Yet for idle entertainment it's hard to beat Sarah Palin's ignorant nattering on the subject.

Without fullness of experience length of days is nothing. When fullness of life has been achieved shortness of days is nothing. That is perhaps why the young have usually so little fear of death they live by intensities that the elderly have forgotten.

Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.

My humanitarian work evolved from being with my family. My mom my dad they really set a great example for giving back. My mom was a nurse my dad was a school teacher. But my mom did a lot of things for geriatrics and elderly people. She would do home visits for free.

And as a child I was filled with passionate admiration for acts of civic courage I had seen performed by an elderly military doctor who was a friend of my family.

There are two barriers that often prevent communication between the young and their elders. The first is middle-aged forgetfulness of the fact that they themselves are no longer young. The second is youthful ignorance of the fact that the middle aged are still alive.

Once you become successful people know where you live the type of house you live in the kind of car you drive the clothes you wear and so it would be patronising to go and talk like a welder. Welding's a mystery to me now. You can't go back your life changes every day.

Fact: The new '90210' is cooler than the old '90210.' It's the lithe streamlined Skipper to the elder series' venerable Barbie. Gone are the traditional parents - they've been replaced by a hipster mom n' pop who get busted necking in the car.

The advice of the elders to young men is very apt to be as unreal as a list of the hundred best books.

As an elder of the Americas and of the rest of the planet it is my responsibility to care for and protect to the best of my ability the young.

You can't ask every player to do the same thing. That's why we have amazing midfielders defenders forwards and keepers. You can't ask them to be of the same mold.

Traditionally Medicare's assurance has been that for the elderly and persons with disabilities that they will not be alone when confronted with the full burden of their health care costs.

Life expectancy in many parts of Africa can be something around the age of thirty five to thirty eight. I mean you're very fortunate if you live to that age. In fact when I went to Uganda for the first time one of the things that occurred to me was that I saw very few elderly people.

Though the Jazz Age continued it became less and less an affair of youth. The sequel was like a children's party taken over by the elders.