Search For enforcement In Quotes 36

These are Canadian and United States intelligence and law enforcement offices who are working in teams and who are using good intelligence and good law enforcement to really stop the criminals and terrorists before they ever get to the border.

In order to be successful against each of these threats we have to have a presence overseas work closely not only with our counterparts in the law enforcement community but also with the intelligence community.

We have an incredible warrior class in this country - people in law enforcement intelligence - and I thank God every night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tremendous amount of evil that exists in the world.

Where the stakes are the highest in the war on terror we cannot possibly succeed without extraordinary international cooperation. Effective international police actions require the highest degree of intelligence sharing planning and collaborative enforcement.

It is unclear exactly how many law enforcement agencies are currently using this capability but it is reasonable to say that while resource limitations used to discourage the government from tracking you without a good reason these constraints have largely disappeared.

In my public service I treasure my friendship with law enforcement officers. I admire what they do and support them in every aspect of their job. I have always looked upon law enforcement officers as my friends.

The war we are fighting today against terrorism is a multifaceted fight. We have to use every tool in our toolkit to wage this war - diplomacy finance intelligence law enforcement and of course military power - and we are developing new tools as we go along.

No amount of law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.

As someone with a deep faith in competition and the market I also know that markets only work with tough enforcement of the rules that guarantee competition and fair play - and that the pressure to break those rules only gets stronger as the amount of money involved gets larger.

No one bill will cure the problem of spam. It will take a combined effort of legislation litigation enforcement customer education and technology solutions.

We intend to keep the lines of communication open with the Defense Department so we can help our border law enforcement agencies navigate the equipment application process.

My business is the enforcement of the tax laws and the integrity of the tax code and making sure that trustees of charitable giving are true trustees.