Search For finished In Quotes 72

I'm kind of lucky that we've finished shooting 'Cougar Town ' so I'm able to kind of just enjoy my pregnancy and be a stay-at-home mom and go to prenatal Pilates and do all that fun stuff that if I were working would be almost impossible to do.

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.

Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive it isn't.

It's mainly about working hard and proving to people you're serious about it and stretching yourself and learning. The mistake a lot of actors make particularly young ones is allowing themselves to feel that they're the finished articles the bee's knees and it's not true.

Life is given to you like a flat piece of land and everything has to be done. I hope that when I am finished my piece of land will be a beautiful garden so there is a lot of work.

The day I finished 'Twilight ' I came home and started bulking up. For 'New Moon ' I'm 30 pounds heavier than I was in 'Twilight.'

But you know there's something about the kids finishing their homework in a given day working one-on-one getting all this attention - they go home they're finished. They don't stall they don't do their homework in front of the TV.

I race historic muscle cars back in Australia and that's my hobby. And I try to race home as soon as I've finished a movie but don't tell anyone.

It was only when I finished the course and left my graduation diploma on the bus that I realised I'd become an actor.

I don't have a problem believing in God and Jesus. But in Genesis one has to wonder about these sentences that just go on and end without finishing. The thought is unfinished. Where did Adam go? What is he doing? Hello? There has to be some pages missing.

When a finished work of 20th century sculpture is placed in an 18th century garden it is absorbed by the ideal representation of the past thus reinforcing political and social values that are no longer with us.

You know how it is with writing. You just write what you want to write. There's no way to predict what is good or bad. You just do what you think is funny and either it works or you're finished. It's impossible to predict anything.

I have also just finished three weeks on a soap opera in England. The soap opera is a rather famous one called Crossroads. It was first on television 25 years ago and it has recently been brought back. I play the part of a businessman called David Wheeler.

In five years' time I'd like to be a mum. I want to settle down and have a family definitely sooner rather than later. I'd like to have finished my second album too maybe even my third. I'd like a sound that sticks around that other people are inspired by and that people know is me.

Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race we kept them free we kept the faith.

If a building looks better under construction than it does when finished then it's a failure.

I'm a good son a good father a good husband - I've been married to the same woman for 30 years. I'm a good friend. I finished college I have my education I donate money anonymously. So when people criticize the kind of characters that I play on screen I go 'You know that's part of history.'

I finished high school there and then I went to Rhode Island School of Design.

I thank Marc Jacobs so much for giving me the opportunity to design a shoe for Louis Vuitton but the thing that broke my heart most was when they said 'You're finished. The shoe's finished.'

I just finished my homework fast I was bored to death. There wasn't 500 channels so there was a thing for a librarian to teach a kid like me about reading. I started reading early and I read all the time because I love it.

Dad was a bus driver and when he finished work he would repair cars.

I finished high school moved to Nashville for college and set out to break into the music business. Every night when I called home with news of my experiences my mom and dad would encourage me to keep taking those small steps.

The last thing I want my child to see is Dad running around in the middle of the pack. That would really upset me. And that would upset him. I would be embarrassed to take him to school with kids saying 'Hey how'd your dad do this weekend?' 'Well he finished fifth or sixth'.

I did Albert Hall I got to play the Hall of Fame with Prince. So I've done that kind of stuff for ages. It wasn't until after we finished working on Brainwash my dad's album after he died then it was like 'That phase is over in my life now now we can get on with our music with our band.'