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It's become unfashionable to celebrate political achievement and Labour achievement even less so. And it's positively uncouth to be proud of something that this Labour government is doing. So slam me for saying so but I'm really proud of the NHS.

Search For flying In Quotes 47

As with most phobias the fear of flying does make some sense but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all life is short and there's a great big world to explore out there.

I don't have a fear of flying I have a fear of crashing.

You know I never used to be a bad flyer but I did start to have a fear of flying after I shot a movie where I was terrorized on a plane. I made Wes Craven's 'Red Eye'. I don't think they're linked but it does make me pause and wonder if they are so perhaps I will explore that in therapy some day.

I took a Fear of Flying class and I always missed the class because I was always flying.

I try to get in quiet time and book time but really the only time I ever get that is when I'm on an airplane - I have a fear of flying but I actually love flying because it's the only time I can sleep and it's the only time I get to read.

I'm not one of those famous people flying round the world emoting over every catastrophe. I'm too feeble.

Sigmund Freud was the apostle of disbelief. He was the one who made psychoanalysis a part of our culture and in so doing he kicked out a flying buttress that had been essential for holding up our cathedral of faith.

I decided blacks should not have to experience the difficulties I had faced so I decided to open a flying school and teach other black women to fly.

Yes I've been trepanned. That's quite an interesting experience especially for my brain surgeon who saw my thoughts flying around in my brain.

Cutting the deficit by gutting our investments in innovation and education is like lightening an overloaded airplane by removing its engine. It may make you feel like you're flying high at first but it won't take long before you feel the impact.

I think I usually have quite ordinary dreams. Sometimes my dreams take me to other dimensions. I can travel in my mind especially when I'm dreaming I focus my mind on what I want to dream. If I want to fly I focus on flying.

I was not born in a home where there were stereotypes. So that was very useful because it gave me the sense of possibilities of flying if I may say of making my hopes and dreams a reality.

Flying dreams mean that you're doing the right thing with your life.

My dad served in two wars has been flying airplanes for 60 years now. He was certainly quite an inspiration.

Well my dad was a pretty good player at one stage and my two older brothers played golf as well. So there were always golf clubs flying around the house.

I used to skip out of high school and go flying. It was just one of those things I thought it was kind of a cool thing to do. I never thought about doing that as a profession but I started checking things out and I found out there was a flight school down in Daytona Beach called Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Cool things happen. Ace's guitar flies through space goes through a hole and blows up. I throw drumsticks and they come flying at you.

I would think flying would be pretty cool. You would be able to fly away from all your enemies and get where you're going much faster. But being invisible? You probably wouldn't use that for the good of man.

I'd like to have the flying car I think that'd be really cool.

Having played many roles of scientific intellect I do have an empathy for that world. It's been hard on me because flying the Enterprise for seven years in Star Trek and sitting in Cerebro in X-men has led people to believe that I know what I'm talking about. But I'm still trying to work out how to operate the air conditioning unit on my car.

Swift speedy time feathered with flying hours Dissolves the beauty of the fairest brow.

One of the most amazing things I got from the film so much green screen there are so many moments and it really taught me about how important it is to have an intention when flying when going somewhere and having an intention.

Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you're aboard there's nothing you can do.