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My point was that the war was intrinsically wrong and as a result of our participation we haven't improved Australia's security but created a greater danger at home and abroad.

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The mother's battle for her child with sickness with poverty with war with all the forces of exploitation and callousness that cheapen human life needs to become a common human battle waged in love and in the passion for survival.

The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem it is generally employed only by small children and large nations.

Yesterday December seventh 1941 a date which will live in infamy the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

Ideas are in truth force.

When I saw corruption I was forced to find truth on my own. I couldn't swallow the hypocrisy.

Pithy sentences are like sharp nails which force truth upon our memory.

I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong truth and error justice and injustice cruelty and mercy.

Truth should not be forced it should simply manifest itself like a woman who has in her privacy reflected and coolly decided to bestow herself upon a certain man.

Force is as pitiless to the man who possesses it or thinks he does as it is to its victims the second it crushes the first it intoxicates. The truth is nobody really possesses it.

Above all I would teach him to tell the truth Truth-telling I have found is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: Every single one was a liar.

If the security forces continue to be dominated as they are now by political groups or sects then the people won't trust in them - and the result will be civil war or fragmentation of the country.

Racial profiling punishes innocent individuals for the past actions of those who look and sound like them. It misdirects crucial resources and undercuts the trust needed between law enforcement and the communities they serve. It has no place in our national discourse and no place in our nation's police departments.

We have an opportunity but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well.

Nobody should trust their virtue with necessity the force of which is never known till it is felt and it is therefore one of the first duties to avoid the temptation of it.

It's just an unhealthy way to approach something trying to outdo your last thing. You've gotta trust evolution you've gotta trust that the bar is moving that you don't need to force the bar. It'll just happen.

Trust is a great force multiplier.

I can trust my friends These people force me to examine myself encourage me to grow.

The need for this clinic is clear to me to the veterans who are currently forced to travel hours to receive care and even to the Veterans Administration that itself identified creation of a clinic in this part of our state as a priority to be completed by 2006.

Ours is the century of enforced travel of disappearances. The century of people helplessly seeing others who were close to them disappear over the horizon.

Travel works best when you're forced to come to terms with the place you're in.

As the daughter of a 25-year veteran of the armed forces I am incredibly thankful for the sacrifices our women and men have made in Iraq and continue to make in Afghanistan.

Ten years ago U.S. defence investment represented almost half of all defence expenditure in the whole alliance. Today it is 75%. This increasing economic gap may also lead to an increasing technology gap which will almost hamper the inter-operability between our forces.

Technology is similarly just a catalyst at times for fundamental forces already present.

Today the forces of competition technology and globalization have converged to spur innovation and to transform the way business is done in the securities industry.