Search For grass In Quotes 37

God I can push the grass apart and lay my finger on Thy heart.

To us also through every star through every blade of grass is not God made visible if we will open our minds and our eyes.

The Bible tells us that God will meet all our needs. He feeds the birds of the air and clothes the grass with the splendor of lilies. How much more then will He care for us who are made in His image? Our only concern is to obey the heavenly Father and leave the consequences to Him.

We need to find God and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees flowers grass- grows in silence see the stars the moon and the sun how they move in silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls.

We need a grassroots movement and government policies and programs to change the food landscape and the built environment to give our children a chance to have happy healthy successful lives.

There's enormous progressive activism and more often than not success at the grassroots level - everything from living wage campaigns to efforts to finance our elections are having terrific success.

It is from the progeny of this parent cell that we all take our looks we still share genes around and the resemblance of the enzymes of grasses to those of whales is in fact a family resemblance.

Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life its strength and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life.

I've always said that one night I'm going to find myself in some field somewhere I'm standing on grass and it's raining and I'm with the person I love and I know I'm at the very point I've been dreaming of getting to.

Lots of people there seemed to be in denial in absolute denial of death - everybody's pretending that death doesn't happen in L.A. if you do enough exercise and take enough wheatgrass and have your pill every day you might not die.

My parents were kind of over protective people. Me and my sister had to play in the backyard all the time. They bought us bikes for Christmas but wouldn't let us ride in the street we had to ride in the backyard. Another Christmas my dad got me a basketball hoop and put it in the middle of the lawn! You can't dribble on grass.

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say 'You're tearing up the grass' 'We're not raising grass ' Dad would reply. 'We're raising boys.'

Men do change and change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass.