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With several different kinds of poetry to choose from a man would decide that he would like best to be an epic poet and he would set out in conscious determination on an epic poem.

Search For intellect In Quotes 225

It was generally believed that Catholics were not interested in arts and science graduate schools. They weren't going to be intellectuals. And so I put the theses to the test. And they all collapsed.

I don't dare postulate about science but I know that it takes both emotion and intellect in order for art to happen.

By exploring the political and moral colorings of discoveries about what makes us tick we can have a more honest science and a less fearful intellectual milieu.

Gender consciousness has become involved in almost every intellectual field: history literature science anthropology. There's been an extraordinary advance.

Psychology is the science of the intellects characters and behavior of animals including man.

Science is an integral part of culture. It's not this foreign thing done by an arcane priesthood. It's one of the glories of the human intellectual tradition.

We're losing track of the vastness of the potential for computer science. We really have to revive the beautiful intellectual joy of it as opposed to the business potential.

The march of science and technology does not imply growing intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the opposite.

To the indefinite uncertain mind of the American radical the most contradictory ideas and methods are possible. The result is a sad chaos in the radical movement a sort of intellectual hash which has neither taste nor character.

I had to satisfy the action fans the romantic fans the intellectual fans. It was a terrific burden.

Marks of Identity is among other things the expression of the process of alienation in a contemporary intellectual with respect to his own country.

Among those who are satisfactory in this respect it is desirable to have represented as great a diversity of intellectual tradition social milieu and personal character as possible.

When asked if I consider myself Buddhist the answer is Not really. But it's more my religion than any other because I was brought up with it in an intellectual and spiritual environment. I don't practice or preach it however.

Since the 18th century many Western intellectuals have predicted religion's imminent demise.

Indian religion has always felt that since the minds the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite.

It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic which is religion.

If you are part of a religion that very strongly insists that you believe then to decide not to do that is quite a big hurdle to jump over. You never forget the thought process you went through. It becomes part of your whole intellectual picture.

The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance.

My great religion is a belief in the blood the flesh as being wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our blood feels and believes and says is always true. The intellect is only a bit and a bridle.

Among the letters my readers write me there is a certain category which is continuously growing and which I see as a symptom of the increasing intellectualization of the relationship between readers and literature.

What students lack in school is an intellectual relationship or conversation with the teacher.

Once upon a time my political opponents honored me as possessing the fabulous intellectual and economic power by which I created a worldwide depression all by myself.

The classic rule of thumb is that if you are an intellectual ideological magazine you do better in opposition than you do if your views are reflected by people in power.

Marvelous is the power which can be exercised almost unconsciously over a company or an individual or even upon a crowd by one person gifted with good temper good digestion good intellects and good looks.