Search For leisure In Quotes 33

You can give men food and leisure and amusements and good conditions of work and still they will remain unsatisfied. You can deny them all these things and they will not complain so long as they feel that they have something to die for.

One person may need (or want) more leisure another more work one more adventure another more security and so on. It is this diversity that makes a country indeed a state a city a church or a family healthy. 'One-size-fits-all ' and that size determined by the State has a name and that name is 'slavery.'

Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues.

The primary purpose of a liberal education is to make one's mind a pleasant place in which to spend one's leisure.

The first trip I remember taking was on the train from Virginia up to New York City watching the summertime countryside rolling past the window. They used white linen tablecloths in the dining car in those days and real silver. I love trains to this day. Maybe that was the beginning of my fixation with leisurely modes of travel.

Baseball is a game yes. It is also a business. But what is most truly is is disguised combat. For all its gentility its almost leisurely pace baseball is violence under wraps.

The best intelligence test is what we do with our leisure.

I'm never less at leisure than when at leisure or less alone than when alone.

One of the great challenges of our age in which the tools of our productivity are also the tools of our leisure is to figure out how to make more useful those moments of procrastination when we're idling in front of our computer screens.