Search For literal In Quotes 91

I literally have meetings at eight o'clock in the morning and I finish at nine o'clock at night. It sounds pathetic but I don't even have time to go shopping.

That's the trouble with being me. At this point nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they'd be like 'Yeah big deal. I'd eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you're pulling down.'

With our technology with objects literally three people in a garage can blow away what 200 people at Microsoft can do. Literally can blow it away. Corporate America has a need that is so huge and can save them so much money or make them so much money or cost them so much money if they miss it that they are going to fuel the object revolution.

I work too much to be an appropriate parent. I feel like a bad mom to my dog some days because I'm just not here enough. I just feel like I would do a bad job if I took the time to literally give birth to a kid right now and try and juggle everything I'm doing.

Cagey trial lawyers have figured out there's a pretty good likelihood their case - no matter what its merit - will literally get its day in court because of favorable judges.

It is literally the case that learning languages makes you smarter. The neural networks in the brain strengthen as a result of language learning.

We're learning how important it is both to preserve sibling relationships if they work and repair them if they're broken. We're also learning a lot about nonliteral siblings - stepsiblings half-siblings - and the surprising power they can have.

The learning process is something you can incite literally incite like a riot.

So in my freshman year at the University of Alabama learning the literature on evolution what was known about it biologically just gradually transformed me by taking me out of literalism and increasingly into a more secular scientific view of the world.

Religious speech is extreme emotional and motivational. It is anti-literal relying on metaphor allusion and other rhetorical devices and it assumes knowledge within a community of believers.

You can do anything you think you can. This knowledge is literally the gift of the gods for through it you can solve every human problem. It should make of you an incurable optimist. It is the open door.

A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural educational aesthetic inspirational and economic legacies - all of the things that quite literally make us who we are.

Although Bill Finger literally typed the scripts in the early days he wrote the scripts from ideas that we mutually collaborated on. Many of the unique concepts and story twists also came from my own fertile imagination.

I never did very well in math - I could never seem to persuade the teacher that I hadn't meant my answers literally.

It felt as if things were literally slipping through my fingers. Things were just streaming away from me. I lost my sense of humor. I'm still looking for that.

Why go for a costly sickly mass-produced purebred when shelters are full of one-of-a-kind mixed breeds who are literally dying for a home?

I live in literally the same home when I was swiping my first bank card and wondering if I'd have to put back the Charmin. We still don't have a dishwasher. My mom has done all these gardens so now my house looks like the garden shack in the middle of Versailles.

When I go on the plane to fly home I'm literally capable of forgetting what I do for a job. That also comes about because I choose to take massive breaks between projects and because I choose to do this ridiculous thing of keeping home home.

Watch the History Channel if you want it literal and historically perfect.

Great Britain had a much different situation than we do and did here in the United States in that they had literally thousands of infected animals with human health risks. Their infectivity in this disease happened before very much was known about it.

Like it or not in the end it's one's body. It's literally what carries you through life. There's a reason for the saying 'If you have your health you have everything ' and it's true. Old age disease - these are the great equalizers.

Look I hate to sound like Pollyanna but I literally can't wait to get to work in the morning. I've got steady jobs I've got my health and I'm here in the greatest city in the world. I'd be a pig not to be grateful.

The sea the great unifier is man's only hope. Now as never before the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.

What happens when you have great grief in your life is the arteries of that heart begins to spasms down just literally squeezes down like this because you're feeling the tension of your life and then the heart muscle itself will also begin - to get stressed out.