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You know bad poetry I wrote in high school can still be found on the Internet and you know there's a Web log of our college newspaper. You know there's so many different stages of my creative development are sort of on-record if somebody were to choose to look for them.

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I've been working on Barb for a while. I looked at her as a sort of every woman. She's incredibly strong she's incredibly generous. She's seemingly insane because she is in the situation of a polygamous relationship but she had definite reasons to do it.

Growing up training I use to get up so early I would wave to the garbage men going by. So I had this relationship with Blue Collar America and I really liked it. I felt that lots of those people looked forward to me winning.

My father and I had a good relationship it was very relaxed. He had a lot of humour. He looked a little bit like me although he had no beard. He had the appearance of a very elegant British-looking man.

I'd think 'In a relationship we should never have his kind of fight.' Then instead of figuring out how to make it work I looked for a way to get out of it. The truth is you shouldn't be married if your that kind of person.

I wanted very much to do Traffic and at one point it looked like I was going to work on it. And then of course Catherine Zeta-Jones had her relationship with Michael Douglas and it suddenly didn't happen.

I know children regress after vaccination because it happened to my own son. Why aren't there any tests out there on the safety of how vaccines are administered in the real world six at a time? Why have only two of the 36 shots our kids receive been looked at for their relationship to autism?

I'm not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference that I have the power to do that.

Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long even if it is the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one and the great charm of all power is modesty.

In most places in the country voting is looked upon as a right and a duty but in Chicago it's a sport.

Being a movie star and this applies to all of them means being looked at from every possible direction. You are never left at peace you're just fair game.

Man masters nature not by force but by understanding. This is why science has succeeded where magic failed: because it has looked for no spell to cast over nature.

I believe that if one always looked at the skies one would end up with wings.

I came into music just because I wanted the bread. It's true. I looked around and this seemed like the only way I was going to get the kind of bread I wanted.

When I was a kid going into the movies you weren't force-fed information everywhere you looked about what the movie was going to be.

I looked at films as a career from necessity but all I have really wanted is my home and children. The two things just do not work out together when one has to leave home at 5.30 am in the morning to go to the studio.

Congressman Berg will repeatedly talk about Harry Reid and Barack Obama and I find it interesting because this morning when I woke up and brushed my teeth I looked in the mirror and I did not see a tall African-American skinny man. So let's make it clear that my priorities are North Dakota priorities.

You know I looked at my face in the mirror this morning and I like being old. My face has more content and when I train in the gym now I am not training to be strong or handsome - just better than I was yesterday. These days the race is just against myself.

I've looked at pictures that my mom has of me from when I was four years old at the turntable. I'm there reaching up to play the records. I feel like I was bred to do what I do. I've been into music and listening to music and critiquing it my whole life.

I was into opera as a kid - I'd play 'Carmen' and sing and dance. My mom signed me up for a theater group before preschool and I never looked back.

My mom used to tell me stories at night read books to me - and I read 'em over and over and over again. And you know what I learned from that? I went back and looked at everything - Why do I like reading the same stories over and over and over again? What was I some kind of nincompoop? No - the narrative gave me connection with my mom.

No matter what like I couldn't - I could break a world record get an Olympic gold medal and my mom would be like you could have done better. But you looked pretty. That's what she says all the time.

I was brought up as an only child and we were very close. But when I was 14 we got evicted. We came home to a padlock and I looked up at my mom and she was crying and there was nothing to do.

Once in high school I completely over plucked my left eyebrow all the way up to where you're not supposed to. I had no idea what I was doing and it looked terrible! My mom was like 'What did you do to yourself?' I was so embarrassed.

Throughout my life my mom has been the person that I've always looked up to.