Search For owned In Quotes 34

I once owned a really really ugly pair of white leather boots. They were so bad. It was back in the '80s! It was just a really tacky fashion choice when I was in middle school and I thought it was cool. I'm really embarrassed.

At our computer club we talked about it being a revolution. Computers were going to belong to everyone and give us power and free us from the people who owned computers and all that stuff.

I was really into classifieds for awhile. I'm a big negotiator. My father owned a car dealership when I was younger... it's just in my blood.

A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who has never owned a car.

The irony is that it was tougher to rent a car from Cerberus when it owned Alamo than to buy a semi-automatic. To rent a car one had to provide ID a drivers' license and get insurance coverage. To buy a gun? Cash and carry from the back of a station wagon at a gun show. No concerns about downstream liability or risk.

You wouldn't want to be called a sell-out by selling a product. Selling out was frowned on whereas now you can major in it at business school.

I believe it's time that women truly owned their superpowers and used their beauty and strength to change the world around them.

I've never owned an Apple product. I like the fact that PCs are open architecture and not locked down like Apple products. I feel that Macs are also unjustifiably overpriced.

The voice of the intelligence is drowned out by the roar of fear. It is ignored by the voice of desire. It is contradicted by the voice of shame. It is biased by hate and extinguished by anger. Most of all it is silenced by ignorance.

The question is what will Mitt Romney do as president if his policy is simply to be hands off and let the government be made so small it can be drowned in a bathtub. In the 21st century global economy no state alone has the ability to compete against China.