Search For passionately In Quotes 32

I am a universalist passionately devoted to the cause of equality within the human family.

I do not think white America is committed to granting equality to the American Negro. This is a passionately racist country it will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education.

Maybe you are the 'cool' generation If coolness means a capacity to stay calm and use your head in the service of ends passionately believed in then it has my admiration.

Labels don't mean anything to me. I'm trying to play as passionately as I'm able to. If they want to call that cool that's fine. Just spell the name right is the formula.

I respect the astute and rigorously unsentimental David Horowitz as one of America's most original and courageous political analysts. He has the true 1960s spirit - audacious and irreverent yet passionately engaged and committed to social change.

Good business leaders create a vision articulate the vision passionately own the vision and relentlessly drive it to completion.

At my age the only problem is with remembering names. When I call everyone darling it has damn all to do with passionately adoring them but I know I'm safe calling them that. Although of course I adore them too.