Search For progressive In Quotes 38

I think experience will teach you a combination of liberalism and conservatism. We have to be progressive and at the same time we have to retain values. We have to hold onto the past as we explore the future.

I think on-stage nudity is disgusting shameful and damaging to all things American. But if I were 22 with a great body it would be artistic tasteful patriotic and a progressive religious experience.

I am fiscally prudent and socially progressive. I believe in protecting a woman's right to choose. I believe in marriage equality.

We who are liberal and progressive know that the poor are our equals in every sense except that of being equal to us.

Apartheid education rarely mentioned in the press or openly confronted even among once-progressive educators is alive and well and rapidly increasing now in the United States.

Sixty years ago I knew everything now I know nothing education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.

So I was always around music and my dad was in his own way a progressive jazzer a big band jazzer guy.

In a progressive country change is constant change is inevitable.

Business can be a source of progressive change.

A cardinal principle of Total Quality escapes too many managers: you cannot continuously improve interdependent systems and processes until you progressively perfect interdependent interpersonal relationships.

The reactionary is always willing to take a progressive attitude on any issue that is dead.

Progressive art can assist people to learn not only about the objective forces at work in the society in which they live but also about the intensely social character of their interior lives. Ultimately it can propel people toward social emancipation.

The history of modern art is also the history of the progressive loss of art's audience. Art has increasingly become the concern of the artist and the bafflement of the public.