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I spend as much time with my kids as any mom who stays home. I only work during the hours they're at school but there is always the sense of trying to catch up with all their stuff and not only organize my work life but also their school lives.

Search For ranger In Quotes 52

Good things happen when you meet strangers.

Men always talk about the most important things to perfect strangers. In the perfect stranger we perceive man himself the image of a God is not disguised by resemblances to an uncle or doubts of wisdom of a mustache.

Never floss with a stranger.

My definition of an intellectual is someone who can listen to the William Tell Overture without thinking of the Lone Ranger.

In those early years in New York when I was a stranger in a big city it was the companionship and later friendship which I was offered in the Linnean Society that was the most important thing in my life.

But I don't think any arranger should ever write a drum part for a drummer because if a drummer can't create his own Interpretation of the chart and he plays everything that's written he becomes mechanical he has no freedom.

I had crossed the line. I was free but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land.

Sometimes I even now feel like a stranger in my country. But I knew there would be problems because I had seen the world as a skater. And now? A lot of people in eastern Germany have lost jobs rents went up food costs went up unemployment went to 20 percent. Freedom is good but it is not easy.

The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.

Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.

Young actors often don't think of the consequences of doing nudity or sex scenes. They want the role so badly that they agree to be exploited and then end up embarrassing family friends and even strangers.

That's a central part of philosophy of ethics. What do I owe to strangers? What do I owe to my family? What is it to live a good life? Those are questions which we face as individuals.

Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there's always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.

Never lose sight of the fact that the most important yardstick of your success will be how you treat other people - your family friends and coworkers and even strangers you meet along the way.

I haven't lost faith in human nature and I haven't decided to be less compassionate to strangers.

There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house.

You may never learn the names of any of the people you talk to in a dog park even after many many hours spent there with them and many hours of conversation. But if - knock on wood - anything should ever happen to your dog these nameless non-strangers will rally sympathize offer to help and hold your hand. I know this from experience.

I couldn't have foreseen all the good things that have followed my mother's death. The renewed energy the surprising sweetness of grief. The tenderness I feel for strangers on walkers. The deeper love I have for my siblings and friends. The desire to play the mandolin. The gift of a visitation.

Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people.

Making movies is not rocket science. It's about relationships and communication and strangers coming together to see if they can get along harmoniously productively and creatively. That's a challenge. When it works it's fantastic and will lift you up. When it doesn't work it's almost just as fascinating.

But I'm acutely aware that the possibility of fraud is even more prevalent in today's world because of the Internet and cell phones and the opportunity for instant communication with strangers.

I've got two old Volvos two old Subarus and an old Ford Ranger. If you've got an old car you've gotta have at least several old cars 'cause one's always gonna be in the garage.

Great perils have this beauty that they bring to light the fraternity of strangers.

Religion and art spring from the same root and are close kin. Economics and art are strangers.