Search For remembered In Quotes 40

An image is not simply a trademark a design a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual institution corporation product or service.

So for twelve miles I rode with Sherman and we became fast friends. He asked me all manner of questions on the way and I found that he knew my father well and remembered his tragic death in Salt Creek Valley.

At times I've got a really big ego. But I'll tell you the best thing about me. I'm some guy's dad I'm some little gal's dad. When I die if they say I was Annie's husband and Zachary John and Anna Kate's father boy that's enough for me to be remembered by. That's more than enough.

But more importantly I think he remembered how very close I was with my own dad who had died in 1997.

I had just lost my dad and I remembered all the songs we used to go and hear at concerts and the records around the house and sometimes we'd play together.

I hope I am remembered by my children as a good father.

Obama wants to be thought of as the president who freed us from foreign oil. But if he doesn't show some political courage he may well be remembered as the president who cooked the planet.

I want to be remembered for the work that I've done rather than the car accidents that I've gotten into the men that I've not dated - or the man that I have.

The reason I met my husband was because I remembered a friend's birthday. The moral of the story is: Remember people's birthdays.

I would like to be remembered as someone who did the best she could with the talent she had.

The best portion of a good man's life is his little nameless unremembered acts of kindness and of love.

That best portion of a man's life his little nameless unremembered acts of kindness and love.

Honestly I'd love to be remembered as one of the best to ever pick up a mic but if I'm doing my part to lessen some racial tension I feel good about what I'm doing.

Bracketing has turned all my experiences remembered and present into a gallery of miracles where I wander around dazzled by the beauty of events I cannot explain.

History has remembered the kings and warriors because they destroyed art has remembered the people because they created.

I think the fact that I made enough noise in the world that I might be remembered is an amazing achievement. You can't ask for more than that.