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Our history is that we can very aggressively if necessary and openly and democratically discuss our differences. We have a democratic history in which we come together and vote on these things.

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To me the blues is an infection. I don't think it's necessarily a melancholy thing the blues can be really positive and I think I think anyone and everyone can have a place for the blues. It need not always a woeful sorrowful thing. It's more reflective it reminds you to feel.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

When I really want to be soothed and reminded of why people bother to fiddle with sentences I often read poetry.

When you're going through something whether it's a wonderful thing like having a child or a sad thing like losing somebody you often feel like 'Oh my God I'm so overwhelmed I'm dealing with this huge thing on my own.' In fact poetry's a nice reminder that no everybody goes through it. These are universal experiences.

When power leads man toward arrogance poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts poetry cleanses.

The United Nations remains our most important global actor. These days we are continuously reminded of the enormous responsibility of the Security Council to uphold international peace and stability.

There is no greater feeling than hanging out with my dogs or just walking around the land with our horses. My rescue ranch is is where I feel the most at peace and where I'm reminded of the simple things in life and let the chaos of my crazy work life fade away.

You listen to a piece of music and it will remind you of something - it might make you happy it might make you sad but it is very emotive. And I think that Duran Duran have always understood that.

When I read the pilot 'for Married with Children' it just reminded me of my Uncle Joe... just a self-deprecating kind of guy. He'd come home from work and the wife would maybe say 'I ran over the dog this morning in the driveway'. And he would say 'Fine what's for dinner?

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn I must do it by listening.

I was watching TV at age 9 or 10 and my mom said that I came from the front room and I told her that I want to act. And she said if you want to do this at 18 then you can. It was a very simple story yet I do not even remember the conversation that I had with my mother. Until she reminded me of the story many years later.

I have to keep reminding myself that I am their mother. Sometimes we are sitting at home and I feel like we are waiting for our mom to come home.

My mom is great and I make sure that we pray together before every race. She helps me put everything in perspective and remind me of the real reason I run.

I was given baby doll toys myself and they proved a stark reminder that my life was expected to revolve around childbearing - just as my mom's had before me and her mom's had before her.

The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin.

Let me remind you that nuclear disarmament is not just an ardent desire of the people as expressed in many resolutions of the United Nations. It is a legal commitment by the five official nuclear states entered into when they signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Remaining vigilant toward this ever-present threat means constantly learning how better to protect ourselves. But primarily it reminds us that we must fight and win the war on terror so that we do not have to fight it here in America.

Jamal Crawford reminds me the most of myself the way he goes to the basket. But they need leadership.

Some of my high school teachers did remind me that I had an excellent imagination when it came to making up excuses.

The combination of landing the biggest interview of my career and having a drill in my back reminds me that God only gives us what we can handle and that it helps to have a good sense of humor when we run smack into the absurdity of life.

Families are the tie that reminds us of yesterday provide strength and support today and give us hope for tomorrow. No government no matter how well-intentioned or well-managed can provide what our families provide.

I remind everyone: Whether you school them at home or send them to school you as a parent have the responsibility to make sure they learn and behave. Teachers and principals may help but parents are the ones who must accept responsibility.

For years my wedding ring has done its job. It has led me not into temptation. It has reminded my husband numerous times at parties that it's time to go home. It has been a source of relief to a dinner companion. It has been a status symbol in the maternity ward.

Since I was there in the very beginning I know the history of the characters. So I make comments about the tone and sometimes remind the writers that we've done that before.