Search For signs In Quotes 55

Whatever the universal nature assigns to any man at any time is for the good of that man at that time.

The very contradictions in my life are in some ways signs of God's mercy to me.

The fans of 'The Hunger Games ' of the book are very passionate. It's funny: Even at my concerts there are people holding up 'Cinna' signs.

We've seen some insane signs: 'Is that a loaf of bread in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?' Funny stuff along those lines. Very original. One just said 'I will do unspeakable things.' I thought that was very interesting - and mildly terrifying!

Perhaps religious conscience upsets the designs of those who feel that the highest wisdom and authority comes from government. But from the beginning this nation trusted in God not man. Religious liberty is the first freedom in our Constitution.

I fear that the rising personal bankruptcies and repossessions are the first signs of bigger problems to come and personal debt - Gordon Brown's legacy to millions of Britain's families - will hang like a millstone around the neck of the British people for years to come.

I had some experience in dealing with people who have mental illness and depression but I didn't see the signs in myself. I couldn't ask for help because I didn't know I needed help.

I believe there is complete equality between men and women. And I believe those passages in the New Testament not by Jesus but by Paul that say women should not adorn themselves they should always wear hats or color their hair in church - things like that - I think they are signs of the times and should not apply to modern-day life.

In L.A. I get a meal delivery service called Diet Designs. I like a nice butter lettuce salad with some avocado fresh grapefruit shredded chicken breast and raw almond slices with a sesame vinaigrette dressing. I also love juicing and am kind of obsessed with it.

My background is in hardware design. I found hardware work to be a welcome change from thousands of hours of programming and that led to the designs you mentioned.

Leon Theremin's original designs are elegant ingenious and effective. As electronics goes the theremin is very simple. But there are so many subtleties hidden in the details of the design. It's like a great sonnet or a painting or a speech that is perfectly done on more than one level.

Wherever there is a design that is highly successful in a broad range of similar environments it is apt to emerge again and again independently - the phenomenon known in biology as convergent evolution. I call these designs 'good tricks.'

Martha Stewart is extremely talented. Her designs are picture perfect. Our philosophy is life is messy and rather than being afraid of those messes we design products that work the way we live.

Leopard is an animal design and my designs come from nature.

I approve designs not because I think I am more gifted or somebody who can see ahead three or four years from now but just to make sure that the design is a logical rational decision taken after analyzing pros and cons.

The only thing Martha and I have in common is that we both used to model. Martha Stewart is extremely talented. Her designs are picture perfect. Our philosophy is life is messy and rather than being afraid of those messes we design products that work the way we live.

Designs of purely arbitrary nature cannot be expected to last long.

About half my designs are controlled fantasy 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.

Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal While others on the contrary obtain a victory by exerting at the last moment more vigorous efforts than ever before.

Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

When you think about it the end of the world is a little bit like death: We all know it's going to come eventually and as we get older we feel we see the signs more and more distinctly.

Prime Minister Sharon Prime Minister Abbas I urge you today to end the designs of those who seek destruction annihilation and occupation and I urge you to have the will and the courage to begin to realize our dreams of peace prosperity and coexistence.

I am working on a dress sock line of funky colorful cool designs.

It's really cool when a guy tips 20 per cent quickly and effortlessly so that when the check comes he opens it and signs his name and done.