Search For standing In Quotes 380

The world changes materially. Science makes advances in technology and understanding. But the world of humanity doesn't change.

Standing beneath the white light of an Apple store is like standing on a Stanley Kubrick movie set. His '2001: A Space Odyssey' predicted Jobs and a future where technology was our friend. Kubrick of course didn't like what he saw. And occasionally I have my doubts.

I have friends who have a CD mastering plant in Hollywood and they are very sceptical about European record labels' understanding of digital technology.

You can get digital technology that almost is film quality and go make little films and do everything you can to find a little understanding of your own voice and it will grow - Don't take no for an answer - Take every opportunity you can to do something.

Advances in technology and in our understanding of illness and disease together with an expanded workforce and greater resources will allow us to provide more services to a higher quality.

We're understanding what Obama is. He is the great teacher. He is this guy that stands above everybody. There's some condescension in it but he stands above everybody and says 'Now listen. You people have to stop blaming each other unreasonably. You have to get along here and I am going to show you the way.' It is a pretty brave role in many ways.

I was terrified of being a teacher. To stand in front of a classroom the responsibility is boggling. Imagine! Standing in front of people!

There is no teacher living or past who can give us the actual understanding of Truth. A teacher can only put our feet upon the path and point the way. That is all. It is wholly dependent on the individual to make his way to Truth.

Interest does not tie nations together it sometimes separates them. But sympathy and understanding does unite them.

Every success in limiting armaments is a sign that the will to achieve mutual understanding exists and every such success thus supports the fight for international law and order.

People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to.

The first condition of success for the League of Nations is therefore a firm understanding between the British Empire and the United States of America and France and Italy that there will be no competitive building up of fleets or armies between them.

Put paying your dues and all that puts so much into being a success. You have an understanding of what it's about being on your own for three or four years and living day to day on $3 or living in an apartment with no electricity.

I felt invincible. My strength was that of a giant. God was certainly standing by me. I smashed five saloons with rocks before I ever took a hatchet.

I have always been an outstanding football player I have always had uncanny abilities great arm strength an immense ability to play the game from a quarterback standpoint. The problem was that I wasn't given the liberty to do certain things when I was young.

I like writing for children. It seems to me that most people underestimate their understanding and the strength of their feelings and in my books for them I try to put this right.

America's downgrade may serve as a wakeup call for its policymakers. It is an unambiguous and loud signal of the country's eroding economic strength and global standing. It renders urgent the need to regain the initiative through better economic policymaking and more coherent governance.

Over the years I've enjoyed working for WFAN and MSG - two sports giants in the industry. There couldn't be a better fit due to the long-standing history both entities have had with NY sports.

The truth is that for those 86 long years when the Red Sox went without a World Series win fans were not only in a recession but trapped in a longstanding deeply entrenched sports depression.

He's got everything. He' not a great player yet because he hasn't won any major championships but it's a matter of time. He's an outstanding talent. I didn't realize how tall he is.

There would be no society if living together depended upon understanding each other.

We live in a society of victimization where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.

How thoroughly it is ingrained in mathematical science that every real advance goes hand in hand with the invention of sharper tools and simpler methods which at the same time assist in understanding earlier theories and in casting aside some more complicated developments.

It turns out that understanding the British public is not rocket science. The British appreciate honesty and they also have a bonkers off-the-wall sense of humour like me.