Search For stops In Quotes 45

I love funny people and when I'm with funny people or people who are amusing in their weirdness I love it. Because that to me is funny as opposed to someone who stops and says 'Hey let me tell you a joke.'

My wife has a slight impediment in her speech. Every now and then she stops to breathe.

Life is a very orderly thing but in fiction there is a huge liberation and freedom. I can do what I like. There's nothing that says I can't write a page of full stops. There is no 'should' involved although you wouldn't know that from literary reviews and critics.

A fly cannot go in unless it stops somewhere therefore weapons fuel food money will not go to Afghanistan unless the neighbors of Afghanistan are working are cooperating either being themselves the origin or the transit.

I'm not really into gourmet food I'm the kind of guy who just stops by a place that looks good rather than heading for the restaurant of the moment.

I am very interested in what has been called bad taste. I believe the fear of displaying a soi-disant bad taste stops us from venturing into special cultural zones.

Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure.

A man can get discouraged many times but he is not a failure until he begins to blame somebody else and stops trying.

I think theatre is by far the most rewarding experience for an actor. You get 4 weeks to rehearse your character and then at 7:30 pm you start acting and nobody stops you acting with your entire soul.

If the heart stops for more than two minutes you have massive brain death. There are only two minutes between our conscious world and zero. That's how fragile our consciousness is.

A country that relies on aid? Death is better than that. It stops you from achieving your potential just as colonialism did.

The ought to be a worldwide cultural taskforce that just stops you when you have ideas like combining The Red Desert with an armored car heist movie.

The buck stops with the guy who signs the checks.

Whenever an individual or a business decides that success has been attained progress stops.

My opponents attitude is 'If it moves tax it if it keeps moving regulate it and when it stops subsidize it.

A verbal art like poetry is reflective it stops to think. Music is immediate it goes on to become.

What turns me on is to walk into a sold-out venue. The audiences are so much the same as they were in the '60s. It's just an amazing thing. I can't explain it but I hope it never stops.

I was given such a great gift. It's a miracle that never stops amazing me and reminding me to give thanks every day. Having a wife and daughter gives me a lot more purpose. I was much more selfish before but now I think about what kind of role model I'll be. I just want to be a better man.

I envy the sensibility in Europe appreciating beauty in women as they age. I'm going to go that way. I might dye my gray hair for a bit but beyond that the buck stops. I'm not having any work done.

There are people whose watch stops at a certain hour and who remain permanently at that age.

Anyone who stops learning is old whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.