Search For survival In Quotes 67

Humor can be one of our best survival tools.

In the kind of world we have today transformation of humanity might well be our only real hope for survival.

To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival.

At a time when unbridled greed malignant aggression and existence of weapons of mass destruction threatens the survival of humanity we should seriously consider any avenue that offers some hope.

Survival requires us to leave our prejudices at home. It's about doing whatever it takes - and ultimately those with the biggest heart will win.

The only justification for repressive institutions is material and cultural deficit. But such institutions at certain stages of history perpetuate and produce such a deficit and even threaten human survival.

I've never had very high regard for therapists. I owe my health my mental survival to my friends and loved ones.

For this generation ours life is nuclear survival liberty is human rights the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants.

Government is necessary for our survival. We need government in order to survive. The Founding Fathers created a special place for government. It is called the Constitution.

God exists if only in the form of a meme with high survival value or infective power in the environment provided by human culture.

A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows.

In particular for younger researchers on whom the future of mankind may depend. We believe that they are working with all the scientific wisdom at their disposal for the preservation of the inheritance of the earth and for the lasting survival of mankind.

The road to the future leads us smack into the wall. We simply ricochet off the alternatives that destiny offers. Our survival is no more than a question of 25 50 or perhaps 100 years.

The problem of the world today is the people talk on and on about democracy freedom justice. But I don't give a damn about democracy if I am worried about survival.

Liberals it has been said are generous with other peoples' money except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people's freedom and security.

In this possibly terminal phase of human existence democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival.

We are driven by five genetic needs: survival love and belonging power freedom and fun.

On a level of simple personal survival understanding and forgiveness are crucial... whether in an intimate personal relationship or on a global level.

Man's survival from the time of Adam and Eve until the invention of agriculture must have been precarious because of his inability to ensure his food supply.

They're now turning those seeds into intellectual property so they have a virtual lock on the seeds upon which we all depend for our food and survival.

When I'm filming survival requires movement. You need your energy and you've got to eat the bad stuff and survival food is rarely pretty but you kind of do it. I get in that zone and I eat the nasty stuff but I'm not like that when I'm back home.

Believe me I understand the need for easy and speedy. After a 12-hour day of shooting 'Chopped ' say I'm talking stir-fry spaghetti heck peanut-butter sandwiches. But that's not about the joy of food. That's survival.

Of the primary emotions fear is the one that bears most directly on survival. Children show fear. Adults try not to maybe because it's shameful or in some circumstances dangerous. The fear response is automatic though and your body runs through its reflexes whether you want it to or not.

You feel sometimes when you hear analysts and knowledgeable people talking about Iran that they fear so much about the survival of the regime because deep down it's not a legitimate regime it doesn't represent the will of the people it's kind of morphed into kind of a military theocracy.