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I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that's in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic so that's why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I'm really interested in that subject.

Search For techno In Quotes 870

As information technology restructures the work situation it abstracts thought from action.

I don't know concretely if it's due to superstition but any time a new rule is implemented into the NBA or a new piece of equipment or a new technology there is always a transition and adjustment period by players and coaches and anyone involved with the game.

Visual ideas combined with technology combined with personal interpretation equals photography. Each must hold it's own if it doesn't the thing collapses.

Social networking technology didn't really exist until 2004-2005. I had the idea to use this technology to bridge this gap between a general interest in addressing social issues and the practical action.

In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology undecided between studies of chemistry and physics but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me.

Computer technology is so built into our lives that it's part of the surround of every artist.

The technology at the leading edge changes so rapidly that you have to keep current after you get out of school. I think probably the most important thing is having good fundamentals.

The cancer doesn't bother me. I have great faith that the technology will beat it.

Technology has been and always will be my one true passion professionally.

The most essential thing for us was to get the business model right then put the world-class technology under it to support it. At Merrill that meant not doing what people expected.

We are looking for development partners people to work alongside us which will accelerate our actually getting licences the technology into product into the markets.

Vivendi will be one of the very few top communications groups of the Internet age. We will have customers all over the globe providing services through all kinds of technology.

The personal contact is a personal thing. The fact that some people don't know their neighbors I don't think that technology is at fault. You don't lose anything with technology. You gain other avenues of understanding.

My problem is that I like technology but I always have to ask myself 'Now wait a minute will I actually have any use for this?'

I love technology and I love new gadgets. I can no longer figure out how to use any of them but I love them.

I am in the process of trying to decide whether I can make a substantive and productive contribution to the policy-making process. I was always there because I wanted to work on the pressing issues of the day - I'm interested in energy I'm interested in the climate bill and technology policy.

We must speed up the deployment of broadband in order to bring high-speed data services to homes and businesses. The spread of information technology has contributed to a steady growth in U.S. productivity.

I think you can expect Sony in the case of PSP specifically to deliver a technology that is going to reinvent and change handheld entertainment and take it to a brand new level.

Yet now we are faced with the sickening suspicion that technology has run ahead of us.

I can't live without my smartphone but I really geek on coding. It's not so much technology that I like but puzzle solving.

Our business is about technology yes. But it's also about operations and customer relationships.

Kids need to be equipped for that. They need to learn to use that technology to keep the new economy going.

Technology makes things faster and more cost-effective but it's not perfect. It requires you to be as flexible as you can be.

It's so exciting to be doing radio on the cutting edge of technology. Being in on something new is the biggest thrill in the world.