Search For ultimately In Quotes 110

Many artists and scholars have pointed out that ultimately art depends on human nature.

I think it's a mistake where rap music is these days. It doesn't seem to be able to look out of the ghetto and that's ultimately unfortunate because it defines our limitations.

The ideology of the Smashing Pumpkins was ultimately more valuable than the music of the Smashing Pumpkins. That's what critics can't put their finger on.

I'm clearly most well known for my music. Eventually ultimately I'll be writing books. I'm still writing articles now. I just consider myself a writer.

A musician must make music an artist must paint a poet must write if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.

Ultimately to have a career in movies to a certain extent certainly in England you can't sustain a career in just English movies.

There is a basic lesson on financial crises that governments tend to wait too long underestimate the risks want to do too little. And it ultimately gets away from them and they end up spending more money causing much more damage to the economy.

Ultimately if you can say that I'm a bad owner and we're winning championships I can live with that. But if we're not making the playoffs and we're spending and losing money then I have to look in the mirror and say maybe I'm not taking the necessary steps to doing what it takes to run an organization.

Liberate the minds of men and ultimately you will liberate the bodies of men.

I believe it should be possible for someone stricken with a serious and ultimately fatal illness to choose to die peacefully with medical help rather than suffer.

My relationship with Dean was great but ultimately it wasn't a fulfilling marriage for either of us.

Ultimately I believe the only secret to a happy marriage is choosing the right person. Life is a series of choices right?

Our marriage is grounded in the word of God. That's really it. God is the core of our marriage and the foundation and the blueprint for it is how we live and being open and honest and communicating but ultimately doing what pleases God and not in a selfish manner.

Ultimately love is everything.

Our entire life - consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are.

I think that obstacles lead to growth and ultimately the most learning I've done in my life is between jobs.

Children themselves know they are being cheated. Ultimately we owe it to our children. They are in school for 190 days a year. Every moment they spend learning is precious. If a year goes by and they are not being stretched and excited that blights their life.

You have to study your field and you have to find out how other people do it and you have to keep working and learning and practicing and ultimately you would be able to do it.

It helps immerse yourself in what you potentially want to do. Being involved learning firsthand and observing the craft and absorbing all you can makes it easier to define what you want. It will also ultimately make you a better Chef. Culinary school or even a single class is a great bet too.

Well our position and our chairman has talked about this extensively is that we had a lot of intelligence prior to 9/11. We knew that two al Qaeda operatives who ultimately participated in the 9/11 disaster were in the United States. We didn't find them.

Sometimes a technology is so awe-inspiring that the imagination runs away with it - often far far away from reality. Robots are like that. A lot of big and ultimately unfulfilled promises were made in robotics early on based on preliminary successes.

Ultimately so much Dr. Seuss is about empowerment. He invites us to disappear into our imagination and then blows the doors off what that can mean.

Survival requires us to leave our prejudices at home. It's about doing whatever it takes - and ultimately those with the biggest heart will win.

Conservatives shouldn't count on the Supreme Court to do our work for us on Obamacare. The Court may rule as it should and strike down the mandate. But it may not. And even if it does the future of health care in America - and for that matter the future of limited government - depends ultimately on the verdict of the American people.