Search For virtues In Quotes 43

You have a good many little gifts and virtues but there is no need of parading them for conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long and the great charm of all power is modesty.

A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example.

The virtues like the Muses are always seen in groups. A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.

That future depends on the values of self-government our sense of duty loyalty self-confidence and regard for the common good. We are a diverse country and getting more diverse. And these virtues are what keep this great country together.

When women love us they forgive us everything even our crimes when they do not love us they give us credit for nothing not even our virtues.

From faith hope and love the virtues of religion referring to God there arises a double act which bears on the spiritual communion exercised between God and us the hearing of the word and prayer.

Wisdom and penetration are the fruit of experience not the lessons of retirement and leisure. Great necessities call out great virtues.

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.

Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.

Suffering! We owe to it all that is good in us all that gives value to life we owe to it pity we owe to it courage we owe to it all the virtues.

The strangest most generous and proudest of all virtues is true courage.

Courage is the greatest of all virtues because if you haven't courage you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.

Courage is not simply one of the virtues but the form of every virtue at the testing point.

Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically but nothing consistently without courage.

Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues: always insist on it in your subordinates.

Being forced to work and forced to do your best will breed in you temperance and self-control diligence and strength of will cheerfulness and content and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.

Much good art got made while money ruled I like a lot of it and hardship and poverty aren't virtues. The good news is that since almost no one will be selling art artists - especially emerging ones - won't have to think about turning out a consistent style or creating a brand. They'll be able to experiment as much as they want.

'Game of Thrones' is an amazing show and I have no problem speaking of the virtues of HBO.