Search For worthy In Quotes 90

There exist only three beings worthy of respect: the priest the soldier the poet. To know to kill to create.

A few great minds are enough to endow humanity with monstrous power but a few great hearts are not enough to make us worthy of using it.

At the last Celebration I spoke before an auditorium full of people and I could just feel the affection and the positive feelings that they were exuding. It was actually moving. I remember thinking 'I'm not worthy ' because 'Star Wars' is so much bigger than all of us.

I'm not an old experienced hand at politics. But I am now seasoned enough to have learned that the hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.

Meet some people who care about poetry the way you do. You'll have that readership. Keep going until you know you're doing work that's worthy. And then see what happens. That's my advice.

PC stuff just lowers the general acceptance of good work and replaces it with bogus poetry that celebrates values that in themselves are probably quite worthy.

Certainly protecting oppressed people stopping ethnic conflict and promoting responsible governance are worthy goals. But none is as important for American security and prosperity as keeping the peace in the Middle East Europe and East Asia.

I cannot think of anything more difficult than to say something which would be worthy of this impressive and for me memorable occasion and of the ideals and purposes which inspired the Nobel Peace Award.

But he is unworthy the name of a minister of the gospel of peace who is unwilling not only to have his name cast out as evil but also to die for the truths of the Lord Jesus.

To any artist worthy of the name all in nature is beautiful because his eyes fearlessly accepting all exterior truth read there as in an open book all the inner truth.

In theater or movies you see either 'I'm religious' or 'I'm an atheist.' I've never seen too much discussion of 'I believe there's a higher power but I'm hesitant to reach out to him because I don't know if I'm worthy of his attention.'

I couldn't be happier about being a part of 'Hunger Games' and to play Katniss. I have a huge responsibility to the fans of this incredible book and I don't take it lightly. I will give everything I have to these movies and to this role to make it worthy of Suzanne Collins' masterpiece.

When you awaken some morning and hear that somebody or other has been discovered you can put it down as a fact that he discovered himself years ago - since that time he has been toiling working and striving to make himself worthy of general discovery.

Woman is the dominant sex. Men have to do all sorts of stuff to prove that they are worthy of woman's attention.

It is a full time job being honest one moment at a time remembering to love to honor to respect. It is a practice a discipline worthy of every moment.

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either.

The mathematical facts worthy of being studied are those which by their analogy with other facts are capable of leading us to the knowledge of a physical law.

I wish I had known more firsthand about the concerns and problems of American businesspeople while I was a U.S. senator and later a presidential nominee. That knowledge would have made me a better legislator and a more worthy aspirant to the White House.

You can't do anything to be funny. That's cringeworthy. If your humor comes out of a place of love every time you don't make the joke bigger than you. The funniest comedians are in touch with their emotional level.

I have taken this step because I want the discipline the fire and the authority of the Church. I am hopelessly unworthy of it but I hope to become worthy.

The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.

I would drive home and see people wearing my No. 34 jersey and wonder why because I didn't feel worthy of that. And all the time I just knew people were staring at me talking about me everywhere I went.

The only principles of public conduct that are worthy of a gentleman or a man are to sacrifice estate ease health and applause and even life to the sacred calls of his country.

It is great happiness to be praised of them who are most praiseworthy.